Thursday, February 5, 2009


OK, (RANT) What's up with those doctor's appointments that are scheduled for 1:00 and it is 3:47 before you get into weight yourself. GOOD GRIEF! Is it me? or has this ever happened to you? Don't lie Pinocchio. It has happened to all of us unless your dad is the doctor and then I bet it still happens to you too. It is that someone, Mr. Doctor, has decided to come in late. Another helping of grits and eggs and sausage and biscuits and Captain Crunch????? Maybe the grand daughter is in a program that you forgot about or your wife reminded you about. Of course you want a place to go home to after your busy day at the office so what your wife says goes right. What about what that "Hippieratic pledge" thing. Oh, forget about that 62 year old lady that puked in her nova on the way to get some relief at the DOCTOR'! Please, just tell me when I call if you aren't going to be able to get all 19 hundred patients in for the schedule 1:00 - 3:42 appointment times! Are you doing a heart transplant or something back there. Don't you realize that sick people come to your office. The doctor's office is one of those places that you go to with one disease and leave with six! Never mind that they are free! Oh I get it. This is one of those perpetual things to keep the cash flow going, come in sick get more sick. Doesn't have to be the same illness just sick. Well, this "RANT" is for you. Those doctors that don't have to wait in the waiting room 2 hours and 42 minutes for a 10 minute diagnoses and a "well,it's going around" medical opinion.

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