Monday, April 27, 2009

"Hello, anybody in there?"

Sometimes I'd just like to ask a person the simple question, "Is anybody in there?" Some folk just act like they are new to the planet. They can't put their finger in a hole or add two plus two. I mean how many times have you seen someone turn their blinker on to turn but not turn or get someone to jump your car off but then drive away only to stop, turn their engine off at a place where there few cars and no one who has any idea of how to jump them off again. "Stupid is as stupid does," right Forest. Then there are those who are "insane." You know what that is, right. An insane person is a person that does the same thing over and over getting the same result but expects to get a different result.

How bout a kid that sleeps in class everyday? Pretty insane if you think you're going to get any better grades if the kid continues to sleep. Hello is there anyone in there?

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