Friday, April 3, 2009

Inspiration comes from perspiration. Boy, that's pretty good! I just came up with that and because I can't remember if somebody else said it I'm going to claim it. Although after reading it a few times I don't really understand it. I've found that there are lots of things that sound good but really don't make sense to me. I'm sure they do to others but to me, naaaaaaaaaaaa.
It's Friday and time for another list. OK, and a video too.
Stuff I have thought or maybe said today.
A list by ME.
2. Does she not realize that she has on her PJ's in public...
3. Boy, you're stupid.
4. I'm hungry, again.
5. Please, find another job.
6. Get him out of here!
7. Mam, I'm at the point in my life I choose who I spend my time with. Good Day.
8. Man, I'm hungry.
9. You have no common sense!
10. I don't care who your mother is!
11.After meeting your mother, I see the reason you are like you are.
12.I want one of those energy drinks.
13. I gotta get some new underwear.
14 Cheese cake!!!
15. Is it Friday?
16. Did I put all this stuff on my desk?
17. Seat up straight!
18. I don't care.
19. I want to go to the Caymans.
20. Where did that dog come from.
21. You're absolutely nuts!
22. Who let this dog in?
23. What's for lunch?
24. I don't have any idea?
25. I'm a what?
26. I should retire.
27. William, William, William
28. Whip who's ass?
29. Where do you think you are?
30. How long have you felt this way about your teachers?
31. Yes.
32. Get this dog out of here!!!
33. Jesus take the wheel. PLEASE!
34. I don't know anything about a meeting...
35. Is today Friday?
36. Man slaughter!?!?!
37. Could she get any more rings on her body.
38. How did she get all that inside that?
39. Ever think about getting a job.
40. Then who does she live with?
Sorry, I could go on for a long time and for those few readers that I have I'll stop. So much for the thoughts and random statements of an assistant Principal at an alternative school.
Now Friday The Video, You've probably seen these guys but it's likely that I would end up in this group when I retire. Check it out.

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