Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'd been thinking all day about what I should write about today but after breaking up a fight that messed my shirt, not being able to eat lunch till after 1:00 and being held hostage in my office by three exceptional ed students for a couple of hours "my butt is dragging the ground." I do have something to say.

You guessed it, "list time."

1. If you don't believe in you the possibility of you being what you should be is very low.
2. God is God and you are not.
3. If you don't want help then don't ask.
4. I am not your mama.
5. Spaghetti is good just about anytime.
6. There were ice cream trees in "the garden."
7. Ask God for anything but if you don't think the UPS guy is coming to your house where is your faith.
8. If you want change, you have to "want" it. Not "think" you want it and you can't ask the "price" of change.
9. No matter how many matches you strike, in life, burned bridges only burn once.
10. Finally and best of all is... DON'T LET ANY ONE SAY YOU AREN'T WORTH IT!


1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm sorry about the fight! But, I'm glad even the experienced ones have days like that! Haha!