Monday, September 29, 2008



THE WEEKEND REPORT: Weekends are becoming more and more important to me. I guess because work is becoming less and less of what I want to do.
It may sound funny but I don't have to work. I have 35+ years in Education and can retire any minute. It won't take much for me to have the same income and actually I'll probably make more with another job plus retirement. So you say "why work!" What I do is important and although many people DO NOT see it that way it only takes one changed life for you to realize that your efforts did not go for nothing. Here's my outlook on retiring. When people prevent me from doing what is right, I might as well be investing my time doing something else. When Gods calls you to something you'd better stay there till he calls you to another task. So I will retire when I can't do what is right because someone is keeping me from it or I physically or mentally just can't do it. Then again God may say that's enough. Recently I thought God was saying enough but ... God may still be saying enough but he hasn't answered my question, "What now?" yet.

Anyway, weekend, I don't understand what some folks get out of spending $50-$100 to watch a ball game that might do nothing more that raise you blood pressure and give you and the folk around you the opportunity to fight someone you've never seen before and will never see again.
I spent most of my time building a pergola for a friend of the family. Not an easy task because it requires some lifting, toting and "figuring." It turned out pretty good if I say so myself. It was a selfless thing that I kinda fell into. The Lady, Aunt Janet, is a good friend of the family and has taken care of my Libby and her family for a long time. She was in the field of education for a long time and has now retired. I did it for her and DID IT BY MYSELF. After finishing the pergola I stood there looking at and found myself praying for those who would sit under it. That they would find the rest of the Father and the Peace of the Spirit. I'm sure they will.
It was fun too. Not as good as a movie and "corn" but it was fun.

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