Monday, November 8, 2010

There is always and turn in the road.

We all face problems and stress in this world. After all Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation. He also tells us that those problems and stressful situations cause us to grow in Him by becoming like Him. That is a good thing to happen. But there comes a time when we are given "release" to know that what we were about is not what we have to be about.

An example may be your current job. Now I personally believe that God calls us into a "purpose" with our vocation and He equips us to do the job in a way for Him to be glorified by our success or failure. If you're like me you make have spent a majority of you life in the same job or working in with the same organization.

I've actually had several jobs while working for the same organization. Teacher, coach, counselor, acting Principal, night school principal, summer school principal, principal, assistant principal all are different jobs with different situations calling for some different skills. I'd like to think that I have done a good job at all of these jobs and that I'm worthy of my position because of my having experience and knowledge that come with years of service.

My job now is very difficult because I deal with young students who have made mistakes and have been put out of their home schools. Drugs, weapons, fights, threats, you name it they have done it. The causes, who actually knows? Mother, father, family, lack of family, prenatal care, being dropped on their head, what ever. Difficult but purposeful. It gives me a sense of worth that for most of the last 36 years I have not felt. Making a difference in one life is great but having the opportunity to make things better for many kids is what it is all about.

You reach a point that you examine the scales and notice it takes more on your side than it does the other. Paying more, getting less, sacrificing more, affecting less, investing more with less return. Helps me see God's hand more clearly.

Today it became very evident that I can continue to work where I am and make some difference but the cost has become to high. It's kinda a feeling that you have been given permission to change post in the battle. That your commander has said I need you at another post now, I release you from this responsibility.

So released I am to face another battle, to take on another responsibility. I'm sure it will be under the same commander with the same purposes. I need not hope I know that my commander/leader will not change and my purpose will not change.

I know who holds the future. In the book of Jeremiah God tells us he knows the plan for us, it is for us to look at His purpose and see when He is saying "I release you to do my purpose some where else."

These thing don't happen over night and once given release you don't, you can't just walk away but you can think more clearly of what the next post will be.

I ain't dead yet, neither are you!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Let's Get a Grip!

We have gone here before but I can't help but to visit again the insanity of the surrender by individuals to the college athletics.

So much for enjoyment in athletics, especially college. Cheerleaders, strategy on the field, on the court, and during the game. Traditions like the cow bell, family tail gating, special FOODS!

Then there are those things that spoil it all, hatred, selfishness, missed place devotion, they all jump in. It's like the devil taking away our joy by tempting us with that most tempting thing we would ever face. The sin that separates us from joy.

Can't we all just enjoy the game and then look forward to the next game?? I don't think so! Watching or being at a college football game has become a passion for some people. I mean a passion in the strictest sense. I mean a passion like makes husbands leave their wives. I mean passion that causes hurt to those who just minutes before you were saying I love you to.

At what point do we GET A GRIP?! At what point does this passion become a rage and what is the real cause????? Is it worth it? It has become an addiction like alcohol to the alcoholic. How does each individual deal with this??

I really can't say how people handle this attitude, feeling, addiction, but there are many many individuals that are failing miserably at controlling themselves when it relates to college athletics.

To them and to you I say GET A GRIP!!!! You hurt it for most of us borderline sports fans.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's That You Didn't Say?

Well darn the farm Mr. President. You missed another opportunity.

"Far be it for our American President to publicly congratulate (let alone even mention) AMERICAN ingenuity and AMERICAN PRIVATE ENTERPRISE for the miracle rescue of the Chilean Miners.

• Schramm Inc. of West Chester , Pennsylvania built the drills and equipment used to reach the trapped miners.
• Center Rock Company, also from Pennsylvania , built the drill bits used to reach the miners.
• UPS, the US shipping company, delivered the 13-ton drilling equipment from Pennsylvania to Chile in less than 48 hours.
• Crews from Layne Christensen Company of Wichita Kansas and its subsidiary Geotec Boyles Bros. worked the drills and machinery to locate and reach the miners and then enlarge the holes to ultimately rescue them.
• Jeff Hart of Denver Colorado was called off his job drilling water wells for the U.S. Army's forward operating bases in Afghanistan to lead the drilling crew that reached the miners.
• Atlas Copco Construction Mining Company of Milwaukee , Wisconsin provided consulting on how to make drilling equipment from different sources work together under differing pressure specifications.
• Aries Central California Video of Fresno California designed the special cameras that were lowered nearly a mile into the ground sending back video of the miners.
• Zephyr Technologies of Annapolis Maryland , made the remote monitors of vital signs that miners wore during their ascent.
• NASA Engineers designed the " Phoenix " capsule that miners would be brought to the surface in, and provided medical consulting, special diets and spandex suits to maintain miners' blood pressure as they're brought back to the surface.
• Drilling Supply Co., Houston also involved.

Oh, and Canadian-based Precision Drilling Corp. and South-African company Murray & Roberts, drilled backup rescue shafts in case the American rig failed. Which it didn't."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


There are certain parts of movies that just hang on. One of my favorites is a moment at Camp Mohawk when the Lake "something" Olympics were taking place. Of course the rich kids camp was winning and Camp Mohawk chances are slim and none. Head Counselor Bill Murry steps up to give the motivational talk to the seemly dumed campers and profoundly states that no matter what they did all the really good looking chick would still go out with the kids at Morning Star because they had all the money. And then he begins to chant "it just doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter" over and over till the whole camp is screaming "it just doesn't matter. "

Recently I was apart of two meeting where "well-to-do" men and woman came together for some common purposes. Of course that is an assumption on my part because my conclusions are that both groups wanted the same results but weren't welling to give up part of themselves to accomplish a common good. I guess they all were inwardly chatting "it just doesn't matter.".

Facts are, it really does matter. It matters that we are together in what our efforts can accomplish and even more it really does matter that we realize that God is able to meet ours and the needs of others exceedingly abundantly beyond our greatest expectation.

It is time for us all to put aside ourselves for others and do what is right instead of what is proper or fitting.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1241. Out of all your friends, family and the people you know who is the most:
Intelligent: Crawley
Happy: Sharah
Miserable: July
Easily influenced: TOM!
Cranky: LA
Bitchy: LA
Evil: LA
Nice: Susan
1242. What's the best live musical performance you ever saw?
Casting Crowns
1243. Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare'?
don’t think so
1244. Kelly Osbourne or Madonna's version of “Pappa Don't Preach”?
245. Can you change a tire?
Of course, but the car must be stopped
1246. Have you ever put your fist through a wall?
1247. When do you feel the most relaxed and able to be yourself?
In the tub
1248. Do you have a place that is your own where you won't show anyone else?
1249. Are you a part of any teams or clubs? .
1250. Is cheer leading a sport?
An event!
1251. Do you believe that people should be able to choose death for themselves if they want to end their lives?
1252. Is there anything you morally object to?
Yes, queers
1253. What would you never do for money?
1254. Applebees, the Outback, or TGI Friday's?
1255. Which do you drink the most: juice, soda, milk, or water?
1256. What sport do you like to watch the most?
1257. What sport do you like to play the most?
1256. Do you write poetry?
I have
1257. Are you aggressive?
1258. Have you ever fallen from grace?
She has never held me before. No
1259. Does it bother you when a band you like gets really popular?
1260. Has anyone ever won you a stuffed animal?
If yes, did you name it after the person who won it for you?
1261. Can you go one week without cursing at all?
1262. What's the best candy?
1263. Can you lick your own nose?
Yes but why??
1264. What song would you like to hear spontaneously in a public place (like a store)?
Up up and away
1265. Do you ever make others feel unwanted?
Yes, but not on purpose
1266. Do you think you have ever made others feel unwanted without realizing you were doing it?
1267. Are you very sensitive to what other people are feeling and how they will react to certain things?
1268. Have you ever climbed a tree?
1269. Do you feel somehow different when the moon is full?
1270. Who do you know that talks a lot but never really says anything?
I know several of those people
1271. Is world peace possible?
1272. Who do you know that is making a huge life mistake yet you can't stop them?
Can’t say
What’s the mistake?
Giving up
1273. Do you plan to own a home or rent an apartment for most of your life?
1274. Would you enjoy going to a strip bar to see strippers (of whatever sex you find appealing)? no1275. Would you ever consider stripping in a sexual way for money?
How much???? Some one would be very very desperate.
1276. Would you ever consider being a nude model for an artistic life drawing class for money?
1277. What are 2 goals that you have?
Live, die
1278. What are 2 negative traits that you have?
Slow, cussing
1279. Will these negative traits stop you from achieving your goals?
1280. Everyone knows that you are nice, fun, creative, and good but what are 4 other positive traits that you have?
fugal, compassionate, assertive, good cook
1281. How often do you daydream about your wedding day?
1282. If you were hiring someone for a job but could only ask him or her 3 questions in the interview what would you ask?
Why, how, when
1283. If you were interviewing someone for the position of your new friend but could only ask 3 questions, what would they be?
Why, how, if
1285. Wholesome - Conducive to sound health or well being; salutary: simple, examples: wholesome food; a wholesome climate, Promoting mental, moral, or social health: example: wholesome entertainment. Do you enjoy wholesome activities (sports, cooking, beach, family time, zoo, museums, etc.)?
If yes what wholesome activity do you enjoy the most?
Family time
Are you a wholesome person?
1286. When was your first kiss and what was it like?
1967, weak, very weak
1287. Are you quiet and shy?
1288. Are you bitchy, cranky, whiny, miserable, depressed, needy, mean, flakey, shallow, obnoxious, inconsiderate, nervous, and/or stuck up?
Not completely!
1289. Do you come off any of these ways even if you aren't really like that?
Oh yea!!!
1290. Are you loud and unfriendly?
No, but it depends
1291. Can a positive attitude/good personality make up for someone being less than beautiful?
Oh yea!!!!!
1292. Can being totally beautiful and hot make up for a negative attitude/bad personality?
Oh yea!!!!!
1293.What are you seeking?
1294. Could you see yourself as a future nun/monk?
1295. Would you rather have a baby or get a pet?
Too late
1296. What mistake do you repeat over and over?
Over eating
1297. What do you think of the restaurant Hooters?
It’s a family restaurant
1298. What are 5 traits that make someone ugly?
Nose, neck, butt, teeth, BREATH
1299. Do you hate when people tell you to smile?
No, smart ass
1300. Do you like the writing of Douglas Adams?
I don’t think so.
1301. Can “what you don't know” actually hurt you?
1302. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Yes, and I don’t know either
1303. What people or objects would you describe as “pure”?
Christ love
1304. Are you into bookcrossing (If you aren’t sure, check out
1305. Have you ever had a pen pal?
1306. Have you ever had a package pal (same as a pen pal but you send each other surprise gifts instead of letters)?
1307. Is there a particular word or phrase that annoys you?
1308. Is there an online game you like to play?
1309. What group of people is the most discriminated against in your opinion or experience? Good people
1310. What do you like best about bras and underwear?
Who they are on
1311. Are you afraid of living in oblivion?
1312. Before you were born you got to pick your life from one of these. Which do you pick?
You are successful from the start, a musical genius, good looking, wealthy.
You become a rock tar, get super famous, make your mark on the world and die at 27.
*You are caring and compassionate.
You love animals and adopt more and more as you grow older. You foster and nurture and care for them all of your life.
You sit home playing video games for 70 years.
1313. What is broken in your:
Car? headliner
School? leadership
House? Weather stripping
Life? faith
Soul? foundation
Brain? Front half
1314. Which one will you fix first?
1315. Tell me all your thoughts on god:
Glory, He is mine, I am His. He loves me.
1316. What is the strangest note you've ever received?
From a queer student professing his love, POOR KID SCREWED BUT WITH GOOD TASTE
1317. Of the following how many can be used to get in touch with you?
Phone- yep
Voice mail-sorta
Cell phone- yep
Snail mail- yep
1318. Are you always available/easy to reach, or do you give people a chance to miss you?
people always have a chance to miss me.
1319. If you got pregnant or impregnated the person you are with now (hypothetical if there is no one in your life just now) would you lean more towards keeping, adopting out, or aborting the baby?
Kept both.
1320. If your partner in the pregnancy did not agree with how you felt and pressured you to change your mind or just went ahead with what he or she wanted to do against your wishes, would that affect your ability to continue your relationship with this person?
No chance, didn’t happen
1321. Who should have the final say in the decision to have a baby, the woman or the man?
Both together.
1322. If your boyfriend or girlfriend cheats on you for the first time, do you forgive him or her and take him or her back?
Can’t happen
1323. What if it is your husband or wife that cheats on you?
Kill the cheatee
1324. Who is more responsible for educating children, parents or schools?
Depends on the parent
1325. Are you into new age things?
No I like old stuff too
1326. Are you very:
Nervous? no
Anxious? no
High strung? no
Organized? sorta
Tense? no
Rigid? no
Skeptical? sorta
1327. Do you perceive reality differently from others?
Eyes of Christ
1328. If you asked someone, “Do you masturbate?” and he or she says, “No,” would you assume he or she was lying?
1329. What do you blame things on?
Effort and chance
1330. Do you want to be naked and famous?
At the same time, no.
1331. Ice Cube or LL Cool J?
cool J
1332. What are your feelings about rap music?
No speaka da english
1333. Cypress Hill or Roxy Music?
BSB or N'sync or NKOTB?
Debbie Gibson or Paula Abdul?
Eminem or Kid Rock?
Weezer or the Get Up Kids?
1334. If you could solve just one of the world's problems what would you choose to solve? hate
1335. Would you make a good:Counselor?
Visual artist?
Waiter or waitress?
Veterinary assistant?
Office manager?
Stage manager?
Actor or actress?
Sales girl or guy?
Pizza delivery girl or guy?
Film director?
Business man or woman?
Fire man or woman?
1336. Do you check condoms to see if they are expired before using them?
Never had the chance!
1337. Imagine you are in school and a person of the opposite sex you barely know asks you really nicely for a ride home from class (yes, you have a car). It's out of your way. Do you say yes?
Let's say you said yes. She hugs you. What is your reaction?
Hug back
As you drop him or her off s/he hugs you again and thanks you for being such a nice person. What do you make of all this?
Good reaction
1338. Are you interested in post-apocalyptic (post-nuclear war) movies?
1339. What is the saddest movie you ever saw?
bucket list
1340. What is the saddest thought you can think of?
Losing my family
1341. Who is the most horrible driver you know?
No comment
1342. Are you a sexist in any way?
1343. How often do you check your email?
Daily several times
1344. How often do you check your diary for notes?
1345. If you had to read a biography about someone, who would you pick?
1346. Which of your friends and relatives has the most interesting life story?
1347. What's the matter with kids today?
1348. How do you feel about censorship?
1349. What was on the last CD you burned?
Katie’s Black Eyed Peas
1350. What movie should be released on DVD but hasn’t been released yet?
Life as it should be.
1351. Have you ever wished for wings that work?
yes1352. Have you ever imagined that you are not really of this world?
1353. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
1354. Do you still have imaginary friends?
1355. Do you enjoy reading children’s books?
1356. Are you decadent?
Don’t think so
1357. What would make you happy that money cannot buy?
Happiness for my family
1358. What would make you happy that money can buy?
10,000 Fresh water wells
1359. Where do you hang out on your spare time?
1360. Do you delight in minor euphoria?
Minor??? maybe
1361. It's (what time is it?)
__2:48 PM____.
Do you know where your:
Mom is?
Dad is?
First boyfriend or girlfriend is?
Best friend is?
Soul mate is?
Wallet is?
1362. Who do you feel sorry for?
Not living harder
1363. What will you never say in front of your parents?
I hate you
1364. Do you change your personality and behavior depending on who you are with?
1365. Are you waiting for marriage to lose your virginity?
1366. What year were you born?
1367. What is your sign?
1368. What year did you/will you graduate from high school? 1970
1369. Do you use moisturizer? yes
1370. On what parts of your body?
1371. Are the 70's back in style?
1372. Do you read any magazines?
Look at the pictures and read parts
1373. Do you read before going to sleep at night?
1374. Are you a music maker?
No, noise yes
1375. Are you a dreamer of the dreams?
Yes mostly bad
1376. How do you feel about large corporations?
They are large
1377. How do you feel about people who are, “just doing their job”?
kiss ass, worthless
1378. Which would you watch of these choices:
Pitch black yes
The mummy yes
Pretty woman MAYBE
1380. About what percent of the time do you feel good about yourself?
1381. Do you feel comfortable with other people (in social situations)?
1382. Do you have good friends/family relationships?
Mostly, the others don’t count
1383. How do you control your tension and anxiety?
1384. Are you able to meet the demands of life and function in society?
1385. Do you curb your feelings of hatred and guilt?
1386. Do you maintain a positive outlook?
Depends on what I’m looking out at.
1387. Does knowing you enrich the lives of others?
1388. What things do you cherish?
Bible, pictures of the family, Randi
1389. To what extent do you value diversity?
1390. What fascinates you?
1391. Do you appreciate nature?
1392. If you could be someone else for a day who would you be?
1393. Would you ever consider 'psychic surgery' if you were ill?
How about voodoo?
Who do voodoo, you do? No way.
Herbal remedies?
1394. How effective do you feel meditation is?
Some better than others.
1395. How effective do you feel prayer is?
1396. How do you think that you (or anyone, for that matter) could pray without ceasing? Considering that without ceasing means being mindful of the presence of.. I’d say any one can be prayful without ceasing.
1397. Is religion a live option for you (that is, a possibility, something you are drawn to even if you have no belief)?
Yes, religion offers structure to society
1398. What part of your body do you lavish the least attention and love on?
1399. How many clocks are in your house?
10 or so that work
1400. What topics would you like to see more of on this survey?

Monday, October 4, 2010

I can count to 13 too.
What an end to a game? Yes I'm talking about LSU! I wonderful if those Voodoo charms those guys wear under their jerseys cause any rashes.
Go Gators!!!
Bit'em Dawgs!!!
I say that to say this... There are a lot of "nuts" in the world. They say things that even they don't understand but expect everybody else to understand what they meant after saying stupid things that no one understood to begin with. I know some of these people personally and they just don't get any better with time. They are their own worst enemy. Their heart's desire is for someone to take care of their every wish in life. Whether it be financially, socially, spiritually, or "hopefully." (I know... you have to think about that one.) Good grief!! Grow up and be your own person. Take notes so you don't forget who you are. You could make you own life and live it. Stop trying to live someone else's life or get someone to live for you. Tell the truth and stop looking for excuses.
Let me make one last statement, if you want to blame someone blame Al Gore. They tell me he takes credit for the World Wide Web and most people wouldn't be able to think up the crap they throw out there if it wasn't for the "web".
Thanks, Al! Now go climb a mountain.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Every now and then I get a little story via e-mail that I think it would be a tragdy if all didn't read it. This is one of them.

The Pickle Jar

The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor beside the dresser in my parents’ bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and toss his coins into the jar.

As a small boy, I was always fascinated at the sounds the coins made as they were dropped into the jar . They landed with a merry jingle when the jar was almost empty. Then the tones gradually muted to a dull thud as the jar was filled.

I used to squat on the floor in front of the jar to admire the copper and silver circles that glinted like a pirate’s treasure when the sun poured through the bedroom window.
When the jar was filled, Dad would sit at the kitchen table and roll the coins before taking them to the bank. Taking the coins to the bank was always a big production.

Stacked neatly in a small cardboard box, the coins were placed between Dad and me on the seat of his old truck.

Each and every time, as we drove to the bank, Dad would look at me hopefully. ‘Those coins are going to keep you out of the textile mill, son. You’re going to do better than me. This old mill town’s not going to hold you back.’

Also, each and every time, as he slid the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would grin proudly. ‘These are for my son’s college fund. He’ll never work at the mill all his life like me.’

We would always celebrate each deposit by stopping for an ice cream cone. I always got chocolate. Dad always got vanilla. When the clerk at the ice cream parlor handed Dad his change, he would show me the few coins nestled in his palm. ‘When we get home, we’ll start filling the jar again.’ He always let me drop the first coins into the empty jar. As they rattled around with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other.

‘You’ll get to college on pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters,’ he said. ‘But you’ll get there; I’ll see to that.’

No matter how rough things got at home, Dad continued to doggedly drop his coins into the jar. Even the summer when Dad got laid off from the mill, and Mama had to serve dried beans several times a week, not a single dime was taken from the jar.

To the contrary, as Dad looked across the table at me, pouring catsup over my beans to make them more palatable, he became more determined than ever to make a way out for me ‘When you finish college, Son,’ he told me, his eyes glistening, ‘You’ll never have to eat beans again - unless you want to.’

The years passed, and I finished college and took a job in another town. Once, while visiting my parents, I used the phone in their bedroom, and noticed that the pickle jar was gone. It had served its purpose and had been removed.

A lump rose in my throat as I stared at the spot beside the dresser where the jar had always stood. My dad was a man of few words: he never lectured me on the values of determination, perseverance, and faith. The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done. When I married, I told my wife Susan about the significant part the lowly pickle jar had played in my life as a boy. In my mind, it defined, more than anything else, how much my dad had loved me.

The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born, we spent the holiday with my parents. After dinner, Mom and Dad sat next to each other on the sofa, taking turns cuddling their first grandchild. Jessica began to whimper softly and Susan took her from Dad’s arms. ‘She probably needs to be changed,’ she said, carrying the baby into my parents’ bedroom to diaper her. When Susan came back into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes.
She handed Jessica back to Dad before taking my hand and leading me into the room. ‘Look,’ she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser. To my amazement, there, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins. I walked over to the pickle jar, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out a fistful of coins. With a gamut of emotions choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I looked up and saw that Dad, carrying Jessica, had slipped quietly into the room. Our eyes locked, and I knew he was feeling the same emotions I felt. Neither one of us could speak.

This truly touched my heart. Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles
that we forget to count our blessings. Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person’s life, for better or for worse.

God puts us all in each other’s lives to impact one another in some way. Look for GOOD in others.

The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched - they must be felt with the heart ~ Helen Keller

· Happy moments, praise God.
· Difficult moments, seek God.
· Quiet moments, worship God.
· Painful moments, trust God.

Every moment, thank God.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friends there has been a William sighting!

ain't life great!!!!!!!!!!!

I start with the "I sorry" for not letting the shoe thing go, but is it just a female hormone thing or what! NO! it happens to guys too. Good grief! Do you not understand that those shoes are for hunting bears in the woods and they just don't go with a tie! Guys guys guys... Take a second and thing. Unless you have "problems with your feet" get something that doesn't make you feet he topic of discussion after you leave the room.

Here's a clue, OK, some clues. Right list time.

Clues you made a mistake in shoe selection or reasons to "get thee to a shoe store.":
1. Your toe is sticking out between the slits in the shoe.
2. You have walked the heel down on those shoes where they look like mountain man clogs.
3. There are parts of leather (or something that looks some what like leather) "hanging" off the heels.
4. One shoe is a different color than the other and yes, you have tried to polish them several times with that can paste polish your dad used.
5. SOMETHING Smells!
6. My sister has a pair like yours but she wears a dress some.
7. The heel is "way" high making you look like you're walking in high water.
8. You laces form the shape of an exotic animal.
9. They are the same color as your Christmas tie.
10. The toes are shaped perfectly for kill insects running to the corner of the room.
11. Good grief men unless you name is "Huggy" purple is not a shoe color.

12. STEELE toes???? What are you afraid of??? are you planning a dance contest with a BIG women??

Now... GO... get thee to the shoe store.

What is the source of you actions?

Speaking today of a widely published report of a Florida church's plan to burn the Muslim "holy" book the Kuran. Let me be clear how I stand on this.

STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not just the logical stance to prevent provocation of extremist who, to begin with are just looking for reasons to murder people that might be wearing the same tag as those who perform this action, but the better reason of "faith and action" this is stupid and dumb.

Why would you want to do such a thing? OK, we were all shocked at the actions of a few Muslim extremists of September 11th and I can imagine the hurt and hate of those who suffered lost of friends and family towards those of like faith and beliefs, but is hate a good reason to demonstrate a hateful act that is most assuredly gong to create more acts of hate. What more is at the center of this "burning" than hate, hate, and more hate.

Show me where Christ demonstrates hate except where it relates to sin and convince me in the least way that "hate" is not SIN!!!

Our whole existence as Christians is centered around Glorifying the Father. All things are to glorify the father and for that much all things do glorify the Father whether it is our intentions or not. God is in control always no matter what.

As to the "pastor " who came up with this idea I say, GOOD GRIEF! Get out, get out! Go away! Run into the wilderness and seek to find the truth you probably had at one time. You cannot stand at the Holy desk and present the Word of God and then not follow the teaching of that Word. You are not the care keeper of those in the faith family at your church. You are the wolf in sheep's clothes, the agent of the dark one, the false one spewing puss from you mouth leading others away from the true Christian walk.

The source of our actions as Christians is Christ the son of God. His love eternal.

Do all as you would be doing it unto God.

They will know you by your love for one another.

Now, of course I want to have an open mind. SO, if you can show me in the WORD of God how burning the "book" will glorify God I will bring the matches to Florida. Better yet I will buy a zippo with the emblem of the USMC on it and start the fire myself.

Sir you are the 1% percenter of the Christian family of faith.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

QUESTIONS 926-1240

Caught you though, cause you skipped 1101-1199!!!

926. Have you ever held someone and appreciated how delicate and fragile all life is and felt that they were even more precious and beautiful because one day they would die.and so will you?
DIE? Good grief!

927. In ten years someone else might own your house and the room you are sitting in now. Someone else might be standing right next to where you are sitting now. So that means you could be standing right next to someone but you can't see him or her because they are ten years away.Ever look at life like that?

WHY? There are better things to think about than stupid time warp stuff.

928. When was the last time you:Soaked in a bubble bath-
You don’t soak in a bubble bath you soak under it.

Read a good book outside-
July 10

Held someone's hand-
last night

Felt truly joyful-

929. What do you bring to this world that no one else can?-
fine children

930. Do you feel that you are part of every living thing in this world and that all those things are part of you?

931. Are you more afraid of death or not completely living?-
Not completely living. Just here… in the land of the dying on my way to the land of the living

932. What was the last thing you wanted to do but didn't or couldn't do?
have ice cream, give a friend a lot of money, beat the hell out of a hateful person

933. Why don't you try and do that thing now?
same reasons

934. What is the most wonderful thing happening right now in the world?
my family
935. Name 7 things going on around you that you normally wouldn't notice:
1.air blowing on my arm
2. lingering taste of a soda
3.piano playing
4.Burn notice on TV blowing
6.nose runnnnnnnnnnning
7.legs hurting.

936. Name three things you hate
1.people dying
3.two faced people

937. Name one GOOD thing about each of those 3 things you hate.
1. they leave this world of hurting
2.the color
3. I can leave them behind1045. Have you ever given blood?yes1046. Have you ever been thrown out of someplace?no
1047. What do you daydream about?
fishing, eating, Libby

1048. Are you a miracle?

1049. If America is one nation under god then are atheists citizens? of course, God made atheists too

1050. Should they be?


1051. If you could pick any rock star to replace the Ozbournes in their reality show, whom would you pick?
the Chipmunks

1052. What are your feelings about Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of Christ?
very realistic!

1053. What did you think about the last episode of Sex in the City?
I didn’t think about it.

1054. What is your favorite movie with Adam Sandler in it?

1055. What is your biggest problem?

1056. Have you ever been arrested?
not completely

1057. Can musicians be held responsible for influencing people to behave badly?everyone is held accountable for their actions

1058. Do you believe that there are subliminal messages embedded in some TV shows, movies & music?

1059. Is there anything that you believe should be banned for any reason?

1060. How often do you eat too much?

1061. Have you ever descended into pure madness?
yes, twice

1062. Would you want to?
never again

1063. Do green m&m's make you feel sexy?
nothing makes me feel sexy

1064. If you died tomorrow, what mark would you have left on the world?
a long brown streak

1065. What movie would you NEVER want to see?
the one with naked skinny and naked fat people

1066. What annoys you the most about yourself?

1067. How do you feel about capitalism?

1068. How do you feel about socialism?
has its place

1069. How do you feel about communism?
not needed

1070. Has anyone ever tried to injure you?
many times

1071. Has anyone ever tried to kill you?

1072. How do you know when it's time to break up with someone?
they let me know

1073. What is your opinion of the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake superbowl exposure incident?
touching but NOT revealing

1074. What's the most annoying sound?
certain people’s voices

1075. Who was your childhood hero?

1076. With nearly 100 channels why is NOTHING ever on?

1077. Would you adopt a stray kitty wandering through your neighborhood?
don’t like cats, that would be NO!

1078. Describe what you look like:
a calorie free, fat free reducing pill

1079. Describe what you ARE like:
falling apart due to injury and mileage

1080. What bad habit do you have that affects other people as much as it affects you?cussing

1081. How did you party new years eve 1999?
with the family, nothing exciting

1082. Does second hand smoke bother you?yes!
1083. Have you ever:Dumped a drink over some one's head?
Dumped a drink over your own head?
Bit someone?
Torn at some one's clothes?
Made out in the bathroom?
1084. Which Lord of the Rings movie has the best ending?
the last one

1085. Do you have any interesting scars?
all scars are interesting, make up any story

1086. Is it better for people to change and evolve their ideas or always be consistent?
change to what the need be

1087. Warped tour, Lollapalooza or Area concert?
no way

1088. What are you missing in your life?
fun and a hearts desire

1089. Do you ever know when someone is thinking about you?
mostly if they tell me, not many other times

1090. What could you make a sculpture out of that's in the room with you right now?
anything, rocks, pencils …

1091. Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis?

1092. Have you ever read The Little Prince?

1093. This is Mr. fish <><>
1094. What did Mr. Octopus say to Mrs. Octopus? get a grip
1095. Let's see if I'm psychic. Write a yes or no question here. Is the boss having an a fair with the PE coach?
1096. Write another yes or no question. Is the PE coach having an affair with the boss?
1097. Think of just one more yes or no question. Does anyone care whether the boss and the PE coach are having an affair?
1098. Type one question that can be answered with a color (example: what color is my car) What solid color is my underwear?
1099. Think of a number between one and one hundred & type it down.
1100. Write one more question, anything you want.
Who killed JFK?
Caught you!!! the list skips to 1201 from 1100!!!!!!
1201. Have you ever owned a record?
Yes, shot put 55’11 ¾”, south Mississippi, high school, junior high, city
1202. In some states people want to make it a requirement that creationism (god made the world) be taught alongside evolution in high school sciences classes. What do you think of this?
The truth and scientific theory should always be taught to generate fresh thought
1203. Should evolution also be taught in religious establishments like church or temple?
Churches are for worship and truth
1204. Can a person believe in creationism and in evolution at the same time? of course, it is a scientific principle, but God also created evolution
1205. You obviously like surveys since you are filling out a 5,000 question one. Do any of the following surveys sound interesting:
The Doors/Jim Morrison Survey:
The David Bowie Survey:
The Beatles Survey:
The Rocky Horror Survey:
The Labyrinth Survey:
The SLC Punk Survey:
The birthday survey: yes
So this is love, the survey: yes
The heartache/break up survey: yes
Creationism vs. Evolutionism Survey: yes
Opinion Survey:
World Trade Center Survey:
Halloween Survey: yes
Survey of Sin: yes
How evil are you? Survey: yes
The Roaring 20's Survey:

Well, once, long ago, I created all those surveys. Now they are floating around in people’s diaries because the diary I had them in (Simply Surveys) was deleted due to disuse.

1206. Who did you get this survey from?
Gretta Internet

Say one nice thing about the person you got this survey from:

1207. Here is a list of priorities...
Family #1
Close friends

School/learning next to next to last
Being true to yourself/self respect
Honesty Aesthetics (beauty in the world)
Leading an exciting life
Making a contribution to humanity

Being rich Being famous last
Having power next to last
World peace
Accepting and understanding others
Finding yourself

Spirituality/religion #2
Health #3

Happiness What are your top three priorities from this list?

1208. Out of that same list what are your BOTTOM 3 priorities?

1209. How many hours of TV do you watch in an average day?
3-4 hours

1210. Do you want to have a car, a house and 2.5 kids?
Only 2 kids

1211. What song, CD, or band is a 'guilty pleasure' for you (meaning you know it sucks but you like it anyway)?
The Purple Wiz

1212. If you were going to vote for a candidate for president and then you found out that the person you were going to vote for is HIV positive would that effect your vote and why?
Depends on how he got that way and what his life style was now.

1213. Have you ever had an HIV test?

1214. What time do you:
Get up in the morning: 6:10-628 AM
Eat lunch: 11:45
Do something active during the day: 4:45
Go to bed: 10:00

1215. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
of course all people of character have

1216. When you hear the word ‘biker’ what kind of person do you think of?

1217. Did your parents ever talk to you about sex?

1218. If your pet dies, you can now have it cloned for $50,000. How do you feel about this?

possibly a good idea for those who have the money, not me

1219. Are you or would you be embarrassed about buying condoms?

1220. Do any of your clocks make an odd noise or play a song when the hour strikes?

Used to but broke, sounds like a motor cycle

1221. What are the things that make you go 'Hmmmm....' (remember that song?)?
Nothing, absolutely nothing

1222. Are you a sinner?
yes, we all are.

1223. Are you naughty or nice?

1224. Is belly-dancing sexy?
Never done it

1225. What celebrity would you love to be able to dance with?
I don’t think so

1226. What is your favorite comic book movie?

1227. What movie would you recomend for couples to watch on Valentine's day?
Each other

1228. Besides when you were little how many people have seen you completely naked and who?
Hundreds, the folk I took showers with after practice

1229. Is sex something that should be treated casually?

1230. Have you ever participate in an orgy?
Is that where you build a house like habitat?

If no, would you ever consider it?
Build a house? sure

1231. What song is in your head right now?

1232. What was the best day of your life like?
Any day with my Libby

1233. What are you all about?
I’m not all about anything, maybe family

1234. You have won a contest where you get all these great prizes but you can only keep one for yourself and must give the others away to friends, family or whoever. Which one do you keep and who do you give the rest to:
A $5,000 gift certificate to radio shack: Ross

A brand new yellow jeep:katie

An all expense paid vacation for 2 to Italy: FOR ME!

Lunch with N'Sync:Katie

A lifetime supply of herbal essences shampoo: LA

A $1,000 check:Mission first

A palm pilot? Ron

An autographed picture of Shakira: some guy on the street

Breakfast with kid rock: Chennault

A shirt once worn by Jonathan Davis: Evan

One round of mini-golf with Sharon Osbourne: Becky

A phone call from Robert Smith: LA

A brand new washer/dryer: Anna

Free medical insurance for 1 year:Libby

1235. Who do you think you might have known in a past life?
No one in this life, past life… good grief!

1236. Do you take vitamins?

1237. Do you prefer fake or real flowers around the house?

1238. Sometimes roses are pink, yellow, white or red. If you give someone a rose, does its color change the meaning behind it as a gift?


1239. What's the most deadly thing you can think of?
Cliff diving

1240. To-MAY-toes or to-MA-toes?


War HUH!… What is it good for?????

Allow me to step to the soap box and shout with vigor… GOOD GRIEF!!!!

Mr. Obama has declared the war in Iraq, Iran, and Uran over. Hello, we’ve been at war?? Seems to me that we were in a war on terrorism and terrorism is where it is found. Whether Iran, Iraq, or Memphis. I was around when JFK was murdered because he was prepared to get out of Viet Nam. The “war we lost”, remember those kind of statements back in the 70’s. Seems it was to costly for us to stop the “war” then because of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be made because of the “war”.

I see the “end of this war” as the same pulling out of a military action that was never unleashed on the true enemy. “Look but don’t touch” as I see it and at what cost? Lives of young men with loved ones that are shaking their heads at why. It’s not like the enemy is wearing a uniform that we can identify and pop a cap on him. Oh yea, we kill those that shoot at us but the ones that sit back and set off a bomb with their cell phones, the throw the brick and hide the hand group, they walk away to blow up kill kill kill another day.

Hell yes it is time to get out of the country but who do we send the bill for these years of “conflict” to? Now we’re going to sell $13,000,000,000 worth equipment to them. Get me right on this, we are leaving $13,000,000,000, of equipment behind. We don’t need it, opps, I forgot the Mexican border where bunches of people are flooding in to suck the tax payers money away from them. That will have to be for another time.

Now don’t take me wrong. I believe that being the strongest nation in the world comes with a price. We are called to stand for freedom and liberty, but where is the respect and “thank you”s for our expenses and sacrifice? WHERE IS THE RESPECT???

What do you think would happen if we took just 1/10 of the price of the “conflicts” and spent it on the gulf coast to restore the BP oil spill, or maybe another 1/10 and built fresh water wells in eastern nations of the world of need. We might cause some good and it wouldn’t be hazardous to any one’s health. 27,000 children dying daily of preventable diseases… how about doing something about that.

Here’s my decree for dealing with conflicts, since this is Walden World I can decree, No more “conflicts”!!! If we have to go to a nation to clear up a “problem’, we go full speed, fully manned, guns a blasting and then get out!!! No forming government, no training the army to take over just wham bam thank you mam.

Here another decree just because it my world and this one is a list of course.
1. One billion dollars to the Mississippi and Louisiana coast to rebuild from Katrina and the BP “accident.” One each, keep the change.
2. 3 billion dollars to supply fresh water wells for the peoples of Africa.
3. 4.5 Billion dollars to states education funding directly to alternative education to get the dummies out of class rooms with the students that want an education.
4. I decree that no “checks” will be provided any person who is not a productive citizen and does not work! No matter how many kids they have out of the union of marriage, NO CHECK!
War HUH!… What is it good for?????

Allow me to step to the soap box and shout with vigor… GOOD GRIEF!!!!

Mr. Obama has declared the war in Iraq, Iran, and Uran over. Hello, we’ve been at war?? Seems to me that we were in a war on terrorism and terrorism is where it is found. Whether Iran, Iraq, or Memphis. I was around when JFK was murdered because he was prepared to get out of Viet Nam. The “war we lost”, remember those kind of statements back in the 70’s. Seems it was to costly for us to stop the “war” then because of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be made because of the “war”.

I see the “end of this war” as the same pulling out of a military action that was never unleashed on the true enemy. “Look but don’t touch” as I see it and at what cost? Lives of young men with loved ones that are shaking their heads at why. It’s not like the enemy is wearing a uniform that we can identify and pop a cap on him. Oh yea, we kill those that shoot at us but the ones that sit back and set off a bomb with their cell phones, the throw the brick and hide the hand group, they walk away to blow up kill kill kill another day.

Hell yes it is time to get out of the country but who do we send the bill for these years of “conflict” to? Now we’re going to sell $13,000,000,000 worth equipment to them. Get me right on this, we are leaving $13,000,000,000, of equipment behind. We don’t need it, oops, I forgot the Mexican border where bunches of people are flooding in to suck the tax payers money away from them. That will have to be for another time.

Now don’t take me wrong. I believe that being the strongest nation in the world comes with a price. We are called to stand for freedom and liberty, but where is the respect and “thank you”s for our expenses and sacrifice? WHERE IS THE RESPECT???

What do you think would happen if we took just 1/10 of the price of the “conflicts” and spent it on the gulf coast to restore the BP oil spill, or maybe another 1/10 and built fresh water wells in eastern nations of the world of need. We might cause some good and it wouldn’t be hazardous to any one’s health. 27,000 children dying daily of preventable diseases… how about doing something about that.

Here’s my decree for dealing with conflicts, since this is Walden World I can decree, No more “conflicts”!!! If we have to go to a nation to clear up a “problem’, we go full speed, fully manned, guns a blasting and then get out!!! No forming government, no training the army to take over just wham bam thank you mam.

Here another decree just because it my world and this one is a list of course.
1. One billion dollars to the Mississippi and Louisiana coast to rebuild from Katrina and the BP “accident.” One each, keep the change.
2. 3 billion dollars to supply fresh water wells for the peoples of Africa.
3. 4.5 Billion dollars to states education funding directly to alternative education to get the dummies out of class rooms with the students that want an education.
4. I decree that no “checks” will be provided any person who is not a productive citizen and does not work! No matter how many kids they have out of the union of marriage, NO CHECK!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SHOES: A women's affair
I just had to share an observation of mine that has served to entertain me for a life time. I get a kick out of what women will do to have fashionable feet.
Girls will buy anything that is offered without thinking about whether or not the shoe is going to last long enough to pass the store door, and of course Carol and Marilyn say "90 days and the style is out." I mean "style"? Good Grief!
List time. Observations related to women and their shoes:
1. There are really only a few styles of women's shoes. The difference is the junk that is glued on them and that is not limited in any way. Then you got your high heel, not so high heal and the "flat". Then you modify the heal to the wedge, spike, boxy, geometric, "death pointy", and the "grand ma's." Any variety of this will work.
2. Women have no regard for safety when selecting shoes. Some of these shoes should carry a warning label because of the height of the heal or sole.
3. Women have no regard for the way their feet look in some shoes. I mean when your toes run out the end of the shoe a good 1 1/2 inches where your foot looks like a Golden Temple monkey's foot gripping the shoe, it's time to let those babies good or it's time to confess that you were under the influence of the shopping gods when you bought them.
4. It is possible to determine the price or comfort of women's shoes by the noise they make when a women walks. Whether it is a "slap" or a "slappy dap", girls please!
I'm not sure because I'm one of those people who wear things out, shoes included, but there seems to be a lot of shoes boxes in every girl's closet to justify a movement to give some to those children in foreign lands who are without shoes... that is if they would wear them.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Frustrated? #%@$#&!

Seems as I look back on my life that it's filled with frustration and and being dumped on. Well, I guess it really depends on where I am standing when you are looking back that makes the difference. It's that old "half full or half empty glass" thing. In my Christian walk it depends on whether I'm up to the challenge or not. Key word there being "I."

It wasn't till I got to college that I discovered that the Christian life is impossible to live and my frustrations were because I was fighting to live it on my own. Impossible, yes, because only one person has ever lived the Christian life, Billy Graham. No not Billy, it was Jesus. That is because he is God. Sinless God. The sadness, frustration, and depression in my life all were centered in my failure to grow and learn and apply what was available to me because of the same sacrifice that brought me eternal life in Christ. The book of Galatians talks of the fruits (results) of the Holy Spirit of God, but even those results are only evident when we are dependant on the totality of God.

The Christian like life is hard to live. "THAT'S DA FACT JACK!"

Time for a list. These are things that are certain in the Christian pursuit of the abundant life:
1. God loves you and has a plan for us all. Special UNIQUE plan for us individually.

2. God will get glory in all He does in our lives and through our lives.

3. Satan does not want you to follow Christ therefore he will do everything he can to frustrate you and derail you in your path to glorify the father. Satan will attack you in every area of your life especially your family (loved ones), your body (physically), and emotions (love, hate, etc...)

4. This too shall pass.

Let me share with you a short note that I read today that really is "uping".

BY THE WAY I'M INVENTING A NEW WORD! IT IS THE WORD "UPING". No it doesn't have two "Ps". It is spelled 'U' 'P' 'I' 'N' 'G'. Defined as something worth mentioning that bring your spirit up from where ever it has been. As in the sentence: I was feeling down because my bank account was short my needs till I was remind that God still loves me by reading an article that was "UPING".

If God Really Loves Me...Then Why Do I Suffer?
The worse this planet becomes, the more people ask that same old question... "If God Really Loves Me...Then Why Do I Suffer?" It's the basis for all kinds of attacks against the God of the Bible and His teachings. It's even used to attack the evidence of His existence and the legitimacy of the Christian faith. The response typically given to "Do You Believe in God?," is almost always the same. If there is a God and he loves me then he wouldn't do that, he wouldn't cause this, he wouldn't allow this to happen, and on it goes. Is there a purpose in my suffering? Is God truly Sovereign? Is there a purpose in all things, even my death or someone else's? Why do these things happen to me!?

"My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life."(Psalm 119:50)
You might not get it but for me the answers were pretty uping, yes? Of course yes!

Monday, August 16, 2010


801. How often do you change your mood in a day?
as few times as possible and as much as needed

802. When you ask people how they are doing you actually care about their answer or is it just polite?

803. Would you consider yourself to be very polite?
Yes sir

804. Do you like movies and books that involve nuclear holocaust?

805. Have you ever had a lucid dream (a dream in which you knew you were dreaming and had complete control over what happened in the dream)?
Of course, this is all a dream. You all are part of my dream!

806. Have you ever had a flying dream?
Who hasn’t.

807. Have you ever had a lucid flying dream?
Yes, but not as a dog.

808. What's the oddest law you ever heard of?
No spitting.

809. What is the ultimate way to connect with another person?

810. Can you be intimate with someone without touching him or her?
Yes but I’ve known some people who couldn’t.

811. Can men and women ever really be 'just friends' with no interest in anything more?
NO WAY! You always have to be interested in more… wait you mean the sex thing …. Then my answer has to be Maybe.

812. ??????

813. Are you addicted to this survey like drugs?

814. If your significant other wanted to wait for marriage could you hold out or would you leave them (or would you cheat)? Is that the sex thing again?
marriage is not about sex, it’s about making a super life and that takes two Christ center people.

815. What's the longest sentence you can make using only words that start with the same letter as your first name?
Better be big bigger biggest because being biggest be better.

816. If you had a theme song what would it be?
maybe the theme to "ROCKY" song, as good and any

817. Are you cranky?
Depending on my battery charge.

818. Which group generally annoys you more, people older than you, or people younger than you?
young with old minds

819. Do you refer to older people as old farts?

820. Do you refer to younger people as the kids? Yes, and little .......

821. Which is better: Poems that everyone can relate to or poems that are intensely personal to the author?
The ones that I don’t have to read or interpret!

822. Is it worse to be too hot or too cold?
Depends on the season of the year or how hot or how cold, I think hot

823. Are you so flexible that you can put your feet behind your head?
I’m flexible but I still use a calendar. STUPID! Why would someone want to put their foot behind their head??

824. Would you enjoy reading fairy tales written about robots?
Of course who wouldn’t like to read fairy tales

825. Is smoking a turn on or gross?
it’s a lighting up

826. What is the one way you wouldn't want to die?

827. Which would look sillier on you: A cowboy hat or a Rasta hat?
Depends on whether I was naked at the time.

828. Would you rather have a job doing something indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors, in the shade.

829. Would you rather learn more about human nutrition or meteorology?
Meteorology, I’ve always wanted to know about meteors in case one were to crash into the earth near my house

830. Have you ever taken honors courses?
Yep, wasn’t my choice but did, got an “A”

831. What do you think of crop circles?
I’m not sure, but they keep going round in my head, seriously, a topic that is to be discussed but not answered

832. Where do they come from?

833. When was the last time you screwed up big time?
Couple of years ago. I forgot that I was worth "being."

834. You have a choice. What do you eat: turkey dog with the works 2x
A veggie burger
A turkey dog
A cheese sandwich

835. Do you get a lot of random instant messages?

836. Do you have a paper journal also?

837. VHS or DVD? Why be limited?
Both and the new 3D too

838. Vinyl, cassette tape, or CD?
YES YES YES! What ever has the tune.

839. Have you ever seen the video/heard the song Days Go By, performed by Dirty Vegas?
No and don’t care!

840. MTV: should it play morel videos or more shows?
They will what they will.

841. Name a band:
rubber… sorry Beatles
Do fans of that band tend to share any characteristics with each other?
Naaaaaaaa na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaa

842. What does the expression 'touch and go' mean?
Touch the object and go away. Kinda like hit and run in a kinder sense

843. Caffeine or alcohol?

844. Betty or Veronica?Roni

Archie or Reggie or Jughead? daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

845. What book are you reading right now?
Land Mines by Charles Stanley

846. Is the news too depressing?

847. Would you rather have a stuffed lion, elephant, pig or duck?

848. Are you late for a very important date?

849. Ever use star 69?

850. Is everyone as smart as you?
NO… they all have the potential just not the desire.

851. Have you ever seen the musical Annie?
On TV, didn’t have a choice

852. Sheets: silk or satin?

853. Bath: soap or bubbles?

854. Your best color: blue or red?

855. What's your favorite candy?
Jelly beans

856. Can you sing?
Of course, everyone can sing, just not good and depending on the song

857. It's the end of the world, as we know it. How do you feel?
That’s an everyday thing, an every moment thing. I’m going to be with Jesus and my loved ones

858. You take your little sister (she's 12) shopping for school clothes. Mom gave you the money to hold. She picks out a skimpy top emblazoned "Hottie" and hip-hugging pants that leave at least two inches of skin north and south of her navel exposed to the wind. She insists: If she doesn't have these clothes, she'll look awful, the other kids will tease her, and she’ll feel like a nerd.Do you think she should or should not wear these clothes?
She’ll wear what mom wants her to wear or what mom said to buy, the little ho!
Do you buy them for her?

859. What do you think is the most annoying cliche?
“and I thought you were a Christian”

860. What band is underground right now but will one day get really popular?
“the gas band”

861. Of the following which word best describes you: versatile
versatile (flexible):
x-tra special:
your own best friend:

862. What does BYOB stand for? Be Your Own Boss

863. Who is sexiest: Marilyn BUT SHE IS DEAD SO …..
Marilyn Monroe
James Dean
Jim Morrison
Cyndi Lauper???????? GOOD GRIEF!!!!!

864. Do you always do what's expected of you?

865. Do you believe everything you hear on the news?

866. Would you prefer a $100.00 gift certificate to Hot Topic or Abercrombie & Fitch (assuming neither store gives change, so you'll have to spend the whole thing)?
Either because neither would have what I really wanted so I would spend it on my girls.

867. Have you ever won a competition?

868. Who looks sloppier when they are over weight, guys or girls?
Sloppiness is a choice, being fat is mostly a choice so choose.

869. At what age do you become all grown up?
grown up is a state of mind and is completely dependent on the situation you are in

870. Have you ever written graffiti on anything?

871. Can you remember what you wrote?

872. Are you a force of nature?
If you mean am I earth, wind, fire or ice I choose wind, …. I have made my share of wind in my time.

873. What do you think of blue eye shadow?
It looks blue like.
How about gold eye shadow?
kinda shiny

874. Would you ever wear any of the following Halloween costumes:
Flapper? Is that a fish?
Hippie? Do you mean hippo?
Disco dancer? NO

875. Should birth control be taught in high school?
It’s not? Oh you didn’t say practiced did you? Only Catholic schools.
How about in jr. high or elementary school?
OH my LORD! It should be a mama daddy thing.

876. Would you consider yourself a genius?
It depends on the time and day.

877. What did you think of the movie Solaris?

878. Which is usually better movies or books?
Depends of the subject. Mostly movies.

879. Do you think The Hobbit will be made into a movie?
It hasn’t been?

880. Do you research which brands use sweatshops to make their clothing before you shop?
No just size

881. What gives you a magical feeling?
the Spirit of God in a song, the voices of my loved ones, my Libby’s touch

882. Have you ever pulled apart a Christmas cracker?
What is a Christmas cracker?! You made that up.

883. Would you rather watch basketball or play basketball?
Play of course. But I hate basketball.

884. Do you think that everyone makes his or her own problems?
Some do, some are

885. Do you often consider how your actions will affect other people?
All the time.

886. Are J-Lo and Ben Afleck interesting to you at all?

887. Do you use bad grammar or hate bad grammar?

888. Make up a tabloid headline:
Obama Admits WRONG, Gives life to Christ, America back on track, Muslems go to hell.

889. Do you like to learn new things? Yes, useful things

890. What's more important, fame or personal accomplishment?
Accomplishment bring worth

891. Sweet dreams are made of this.... What are they made of?
good awakenings.

892. Two trailer park girls go round the outside...Round the outside of what?
The water tank.

893. Are you wearing a piece of jewelry that means a lot to you right now?
Yes,my wedding band

894. If someone was going to inscribe a message on a ring and give it to you what would you want it to say?
you make a difference in me

895. Guys who are losing their hair:
let it go
Should they shave their heads?
Get implants?
Or let it go?

896. Do rock stars work hard or lead the easy life?
Doing what you love is not hard work, it’s fulfilment

897. How much water do you drink every day?
Not much water but diet soda, 2-3 liters

898. Are you driven or kinda apathetic?
Driven, but it depends on whos driving and the destinations

899. Who do you turn to when you are down?

900. Would you ever wear seran-wrap?
Sure, why not, of course not over my face, daaaaaaaa!

901. Would you rather have a candle scented like blueberries and creme or butterscotch pecan pie?
blueberries and creme

902. Which ones are fruits and which are vegetables:
Banana - fruit
Cucumber - veg
Tomato - fruit
Apple -fruit
Carrot - veg
Eggplant - veg
Cherry - fruit
Pumpkin - veg

903. Does it annoy you when people talk loudly on their cell phones in public?
All the time!

904. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time?
Love? Many, commitment in marriage? Only ONE! And that be the opposite sex!!

905. Cover or original: WHO CARES!Smooth Criminal; is it better by Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm?
Blue Monday better by Orgy or New Order
I Want Candy; Is it better by Aaron Carter or Bow Wow Wow?
Love Song; Is it better by 311 or The Cure?
It's My Life; Is it better by No Doubt or The Talking Heads?

906. What is the most uncomfortable feeling?
907. Do you like Maroon 5?

908. Would you ever go on a blind date TV show?

909. How much of your wardrobe is dry clean only?

910. Who's arms would you like to crawl into?

911. What the hell is your problem?

912. Look around you. What is the most beautiful thing you can see?

913. What is the most beautiful thing you can't see?

914. Take a deep breath. Yawn deeply. Do you appreciate the things most people take for granted, like breathing?

915. Do you appreciate breathing more when you have a cold and you're all congested and can't breathe right?

916. Is congestion a positive thing because it helps you to appreciate breathing?

917. How is your life like a work of art?

918. Do you feel that your life influences and is influenced by many other lives?

919. Has a smile ever made all the difference in the world to you?

920. Have you ever looked at a tree and considered how the roots could be miles long, trailing and entwining with other roots underground, all of them holding the soil together?

921. Do you notice the little things in life?

922. Do you feel, as Jung did, that deep down, underneath our individual personalities we are all the same?

923. Do you feel a great oneness with the universe?

924. When was the last time you decided to really enjoy yourself?

925. When was the last time you set your self free and acted without caring at all what someone else thought?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hot story today is about the flight attendant that got feed up with a passenger and released the emergency exit and said "outa here". The guy slid down the exit, got in his car and went home. I say... sign of the times. I don't know what the passenger did but couldn't he have just done what he was suppose to do. GOOD GRIEF! What ever happened to folk just doing what is right. Day's pay for a day's work. I think somebody removed the you courtesy from the dictionary of life. The only thing i might have done differently would have been to fill my pockets with those little bags of peanuts before i jumped down the slide.
Some how we've got the idea that we are owed something. What ever happened to that more blessed to give than receive??? It's till around just not on the minds of a lot of folk.
Second point today is Native American. I'm proud to say that i actually have Native American blood in my family. Great great grand mother thing on both sides I'm told. Thus my understanding of and the actuate interpretation the "TV Indian" language as I have. Things like "speaks with forked tongue" "they went that away" are right up my alley.
And that brings me to my second point of the day, the real message behind "speaks with forked tongue" is "you are a two faced person" that brings crap into the good lives of others.
I have to claim a Gump for not saying anything else on that. you know Forest Gump, "and that's all I have to say about that."