Giveme giveme giveme
Just a quick not but something since it has been so long since I have posted.
I am more aware of the things the USA does for people than ever before. In my profession I see hundreds of people with their hand out saying somebody has to help me and lots of the people I just meet are continuously talking about what the government should be doing for them. Seems like MOST folk have lived the way they wanted and now they want others to pay their bills. Don't say you don't think the same way I do because whether you are one of the ones with your hand out or the ones that are being forced to fill those hands by our government, you think about it and have an opinion.
Here's mine and of course it has to be a list :)
1. If you earned, it get it. If you worked HARD 37 years and earned a retirement then you deserve it and you shouldn't have to be drained of it by anyone who not earned theirs.
2. Just because it is available doesn't mean you have to take advantage of it. It rags me every time I go to a luncheon or what ever and I see people get a second, third, or fourth plate of food, for what ever reason, maybe to" take home". JUST BECAUSE IT'S FREE! IT'S LIKE TRICK OR TREAT. You go to some one's house and you expect them to have your favorite candy and if not you get mad. It's like taking a half dozen calendars from some store giving away as advertisement that are free when you don't even use one. They're free right? Never mind that someone else who might actually need one didn't get one because YOU took a half dozen and put them in some draw only to be discovered in November and thrown away.
3. Just because Medicare or Medicaid offers you a service doesn't mean you have to take advantage of it. You know there are people that actually need those services but can't afford them because they don't have either of the Government programs. They have to sacrifice something else in their life to have the funds to get the services or treatments they need.
4. Take some pride in yourself. Suck it up! It may be an inconvenience for you but tough it out. You'll never be perfect, you'll never have the teen body that you had. Live with it!!!
5. Don't blame someone else for your short falls in life and expect them to cover your needs.
The bottom line is live with in you own means. If you don't have the money to go to the movie, live your life without the movies. Because other people do things in their lives that you don't get to do, doesn't mean the someone should pay for you to do those things. Live your life, not someone else's and don't walk around looking for free calendars.
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