Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Survey Says...Olympic Fever
1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be?
2. Do remember a specific Olympic moment from the past?
US hockey win.
3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics?
4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in?
Fixing stuff
5. Do you know anything about your ethnic heritage?
6. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
yes, sometimes it is an absolute necessity
7. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Do you know how? (Yes, that's two, I know. Whatevs.)
never needed to but have had certifications and taught it.
8. Name one country you'd like to visit and explain why.
Austria because my Libby would like to go.
9. Have you ever fixed up a couple romantically?
10. What is the last book you read?
the promise by Robert Morgan
11. Do you enjoy sleeping late? NO, YOU write the question! How's that for random??
Who would you like to meet and have dinner with?
12. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant?
Baked pasta at old charlie's
Friday, February 19, 2010
551. What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you?
Finding my wife.
552. How would you tell your friend his or her fly was open in public?
“PISSSSST, your fly is open.”
553. Does a good friend tell you you've got something in your teeth or pretend not to notice it?
Enjoy the laugh for a while and then tell them.
554. The world has many secrets. Have you learned any? Will you share it?
It would be a secret then, but wisdom comes with a price, you can always take one more step, never take points off the board.
555. Are there any bands you like so much that you want to get their music video collection on DVD?
556. What do you need advice about?
life and things like that
557. Have you been half-asleep and have you heard voices?
Everybody has to be half asleep before they get to full sleep. I hear voices all the time. I might even answer them.
558. Do you have a good luck charm?
Luck is a formula only known to God, but I know He is in the center of it.
559. Should animals have the same right to life as people?
Nope, but neither should they be abused
560. What is your least favorite body part?
Butt hole (sorry)
561. Do you enjoy British comedy?
I like anything that makes me laugh and doesn’t hurt others.
562. Are there ever happy endings or does nothing end?
Sure, plenty of endings and beginning. It’s just as important as to how you end as to how you begin.
563. What is your worst trait?
564. Is the world more beautiful because of love?
Beauty is a part of love not love apart of beauty. Love looks beyond beauty and make ugly that was become beauty that is.
565. What is the essence of you?
faith and sacrifice
566. What really inspires you?
making a difference, seeing a difference made, accomplishing things others cannot.
567. Have you met your soul mate?
568. Is everyday a special occasion?
Just another opportunity to trust God. If you consider not being hell bound and lost a speicla occasion then YES.
569. What sound would you rather hear than any sound in the world?
My Libby
570. Of the following which word best describes you:
quick thinking:
571. Do any commercials make you want to break your TV?
Yes, the next one.
572. Have you ever lost your religion?
Many times, many, but I’ve never lost my Christianity
573. Do you want to share your life with someone?
Only if it is of value to the you who I share it with.
574. Where ARE the wild things?
In the wildernest.
575. Would you rather have a child genetically related to you or an adopted child?
Either would be God gift and that is a blessing to anyone.
576. If I had a birthday party would you come?
Not a party person, most people’s idea of a party is not fun but talkie talkie, standi standi, and leavei leavie.
577. What seemingly impossible thing is POSSIBLE?
Flight and forgiveness.
578. What song do you love to sing out loud?
OUT LOUD! ALONE maybe that “revelation song.”
579. Have you ever run through the woods naked and played in a stream (you should)?
YEP! Well worth it. AND YES I WAS NOT ALONE!
580. Have you ever taken long solitary night walks?
YEP, mostly when I was in college and was trying to fight the depression.
581. Is there more to you than anyone knows?
I sure. There is more to me than I know. It fears me.
582. Can you make tonight the night that you do the things you always wanted to do?
583. Would you rather watch life on TV or LIVE it?
Depends on what part of life you’re talking about. the adventures and good fun things yes but the suffering death disappointment absolutely NO.
584. What keeps you chained down?
SELF, fear, and missery.
585. What is the nagging feeling in the back of your head?
A life not spent to the fullest.
586. Do you celebrate yourself?
Not in a long time
587. Does everyone get the same opportunities in life?
Yes. Everyone has the same opportunities to be fulfill and help other be fulfilled. The rewards may not be in this world but the opportunities are.
588. What would you consider to be better than sex?
589. What evil is necessary?
The only evil that is necessary to give God the glory
590. What's your favorite one hit wonder?
Pizza flavored ketsup
591. What would you do anything for?
Cost the cost, before you do or get.
592. Do you celebrate the full moon?
593. Have you ever gone in the water at the beach at night?
OH YEA! Did a night dive once. It was fantastic. Slid my hand under a flaunder and … it was great.
594. Are you ordinary?
No, I’m special. you have to look for my size clothes.
595. What makes people want to hang out with you?
my wife and family and of course some feel sory for me.
596. Have you ever felt like you've been a little bit too good to someone?
Many times of course that was wrong of me. I really do try to treat others like I want to be treated but I am a failure at that many times.
597. What book did you like that you had to read for school?
598. What book should everyone have to read in school?
599. Do you like the store Old Navy? Nope, they don’t carry “Moby” size.
600. What movie sequels do you like?
Alien, Die Hard, Harry Potter, X-Men, Indiana Jones
601. Do you have a lust for life?
Lust? Like intense sexual???
602. Do you want to get more out of life?
I want it all but fear and money keep me from it.
603. Would you want to learn to:
Convert to Buddhism? NO WAY, he is dead
Cure a hangover? Never needed it.
Lie persuasively? To late, opps.
604. What character from a movie is most like you?
the guy in Beautiful Minds
Monday, February 15, 2010
I went to the Dixie National Rodeo Saturday night. Usually would not have gone but I'm doing that "stepping out" thing. So I found myself standing in the middle of the coliseum playing "undercover cop person" and watching the prelims where they move the broncs into position in the fences. OK, the "undercover cop person" thing is for another time but it's my way of acting the usual fool and activating other folks' curiosity. It is rather fun.
Anyway, what I want to share today is something that happened that brought me to tears in front of all those folk.
So, this is how it happened:
-Little Exchange Club lady says, "They're "a fixing" to turn the lights out so you'd better go find you seat."
-So, I sorta did but since I was by myself, seeing the singing group was "a fixing" to sing in a few music and I thought I could just stand there till they got though.
-The lights did go out and I mean it was booger dark. There was some of that patriotic stuff and a few solders walked out proudly in their uniforms.
-Every body started clapping and it was cool.
-Then the singing group started to sing the National Anthem and it happened! No fire works, no video on the big screen, and no beautiful girls wearing that satin shirts stuff and riding their horses around.
Not one sound outside the choir. It was kinda like standing next to a wood burning stove when you've just walked in from the freezing cold and the warmth penetrates you jeans.
I first became aware of the silence and then the FACT that EVERYONE had stopped moving, speaking, laughing, everything... They had risen to their feet, removed their hats and placed their heart over their hearts to salute the nation, not their race, their color or their religion that the anthem's message sang out. It was almost worship or maybe it was, but it was respect, loyalty, honor, and belief in the United States of America. It almost embarrassed me when i caught myself slowly looking around and realizing that I was one of the very few that was not standing at attention and in reverence. It was at that second that it hit me how great it is to be a part of the USA and a part of a body of folk that were united in that purpose.
Since 1974 I have stood with thousands of kids and adults and had to put up with their disrespect towards the United States in assemblies. We've given up trying to pledge the flag and sing the national anthem. What a shame! and I am sorry to say that I am apart of that problem. I supervised these events, with little authority and decided it's a fight that is too hard to fight. LORD forgive me.
I think I'll be going back to the DIXIE NATIONAL RODEO again and not just to see the little guys riding the bare back horses being thrown into the dirt. I'll go back to be with a very large group of people that take the the respect and loyalty for the USA seriously.
One more thing, if you ever find this at a basketball game or a football game please let me know where it happens. I' like to see that too, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
302. Will you try to accomplish any of these things within the next year?
Come what may…
303. What do you feel controlled by?
Money & depression
304. If Jesus appeared to you and told you that the moon was made of green cheese would you believe him?
first I would know it was Jesus. Second if he said sugar was … Yes I would believe Him.
305. What is one thing you are sure of?
God is always with me.
306. At what part of the day do you feel the most alert?
Afternoon, 4:23
307. Have you ever played in a band?
Played with a band, played like a band? YES
308. Have you ever stared into the ocean thinking 'early creatures crawled outta that'?
309. If not, what do you think of when you are staring into the ocean?
I think of God’s power and faithfulness and that I am His friend
310. Do you like the mental challenge of chess or other games?
Yes, I am mentally challenged in all things.
311. Do you ever think of where your atoms were before they were in you?
I know where they were. In thew hands of God.
312. Do you ever think about where your atoms will go after they have been in you?
not really, that’s one of those don’t need to know things
313. If you didn't know that people couldn't fly do you think that you could?
How stupid is that?!
314. Are you someone that others call when they're having a problem and want to talk about it?
Yes, they call, take advantage of, blame, the usual stuff.
315. When it comes to literature, do you see beyond the writing and into the meaning intended by the author?
Only if the Spirit shows me. I don’t read fiction or non-fiction. Daaaa I read Christian stuff.
316. Is there anything you can take apart completely, and then put back together, and have no left over parts?
Most things.
317. What are your feelings about the death penalty?
Eye for an eye, if they can’t be fixed and the guilt is absolute death by firing squad.
318. If there was a god and you could ask him/her one question what would it be?
of course there is a God (3 in 1) and I would ask “WHEN?”
319. Do you believe that life will be found on other planets?
Yes, but not for a very long time and then in a manner they we will have a hard time comprehending.
320. What is something worth suffering for?
Yes, suffering comes in degrees for me and the rewards also.
321. If you could put an extra eye on your body anywhere you wanted, where would you put it?
I don’t think I would want another eye it would just confuse me so I give my eye to some one who needs one, not another one.
322. Are you in touch with the earth and nature?
323. Would you rather live simply or extravagantly?
Alone, simply. With Libby, extravagantly.
324. Have you ever been camping?
Yes, as a scout and with my Pop.
325. Is your heart open when you meet someone new?
I guess so.
326. Are you able to have conversations with and become friends with people who are not like you and are interested in different things than you are?
327. Are strangers more beautiful or frightening to you?
they are what they are. Let’s confess. There are a lot of ugly people in the world.
328. What stops you from doing everything you want to do?
329. Can you think of three adjective that do not apply to you at all?
330. How do you feel about Jeremy Jaynes, who got a nine year prison sentence for spamming people with junk email (
Stealing is stealing.
331. Do you know who the current premier of China is?
Should I? Kung Fui
332. Are you very active?
In what area?
333. Is there a city that reminds you of the landscape of your brain?
San Francisco
334. Have you ever loved someone who has loved you back?
yes, and loved someone who loved me first.
335. Is it really being 'in love with' someone if the other person doesn't love you?
love is one way then head on
336. Do you believe that there is someone perfect for everyone or that people just fall in love with who ever they are with at the time?
Love for marriage is God made perfect.
337. Do you know secret things?
Yes, OH YES!
338. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?
Not real love but the physical kind of course
339. How do you overcome your fears?
Knowledge and action.
340. What can you do better than anyone you know?
Act like me.
341. Would you benefit from a wilder existence?
If you mean live in the woods, yes. If you mean drinking and such, absolutely not.
342. Does it seem to you like the range of socially acceptable behavior is getting smaller or larger?
Much larger, much much larger. We have gone from fear of the atom bomb to the I don’t care g-string and eatable underclothes world. We let society determine what we do instead of our beliefs.
343. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yep, enjoyed it, desire to do it more.
344. Are people becoming more afraid of each other?
Yep, lots of nuts out there and the news on TV shows to much junk
345. If you had to choose the percentage of freedom vs. safety what ratio would you decide on (ex: 100% free 0% safe)?
100/100. freedom and safety are elements of the same thing.
346. Does safety stifle you?
some times it doesn’t fit but it doesn’t stifle me.
347. Who or what needs to be stopped?
“haters” and those that hurt children, they should be hurt back.
348. Are human beings becoming more domesticated?
The only limitation is you for what you do, domestication in my opinion is a learned activity. A matter of choice.
349. Do you follow the lives of the British Royal Family?
350. How did the death of Pope John Paul II affect you?
There still a Pope? Why?
351. Have you ever lost something and never found it?
I’m sure I have but it must not have meant much. Wait, there was the girl in 1972…
352. Do you listen to any talk radio shows?
Only if I have nothing else or I have to ride with Libby.
353. Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?
WIFE or and very few others only. Most people just manipulate you one way or another.
354. Would you ever date someone outside of your race or religion?
Nope, married now, no more dating except one person
355. Which of the 7 deadly sins in the worst (gluttony, greed, pride, lust, envy, wrath, sloth)?
356. Which one are you most guilty of?
Pride and lust is a close second.
357. Are you afraid to be alone with yourself?
Yes, I’ve screwed up before and I don’t trust me.
Do you try to avoid thinking? About somethings and at certain times.
358. Would you venture to tell someone you loved him or her if they didn't say it first?
I’d try to show them first. I don’t think you have to be the first to say it. I think you both realize it then want to share it with the other person.
359. What are you the most sensitive about?
second, being called out of my character and first, people hurting my family
360. What can you talk about for hours?
361. Do you talk about yourself, other people, or ideas the most?
362. Do you believe that spell casting can work?
Only in the mind of others, people have as much authority and power over you as you let them have.
363. Are you a fan of The Legend of Zelda games?
364. What old movie would you go see if it were re-released in the movie theaters?
Battle Cry
365. Is there a celebrity that you would be too starstruck to talk to if you met them?
I don’t think so, unless they were naked
366. Have you ever left a mean unsigned note?
Nope, but I have called people and hung up on them. Wait once is did, on yea. Deserved every bit.
367. Do you think it's cheesy to paste things you didn't write into your diary?
No, diary writing is just like blogging. For me the same amount of people read both.
368. What are three things that you try not to think about?
1.death of my wife
1.death of my Katie
1.death of my Anna
1. death of my Ross
1. death of my William
1. death of my Randi
2. crashing my motorcycle
3. having another heart attack
369. Is casual sex acceptable for you?
only and for ever only with my wife. It’s the only way I can have sex now. I’m 58 years old the “exciting run for cover stuff” is long gone. Do you think I’m Ron “the stud" Mumbower.
370. What form of sexual protection do you use?
The light turned on and my dog, Randi.
371. What is expected of you that you feel is unnatural or not right?
Not eating what I want.
372. Do you sometimes place your own expectations on other people?
Yes, because my expectation is usually higher.
373. Do you sometimes act overeager to make friends when you are around strangers?
374. Do you take everything that is said literally?
No way, although I do think I have the gift of dissemination
375. Do you take most things others say seriously?
Depends on who they are. Most folk take everything to serious.
376. Do you have a quick wit?
377. Do you believe in the need for political correctness?
No, but we all try to keep it straight.
378. Do you have strong opinions and beliefs?
Yes, opinions should be based on beliefs.
379. If yes, can you still hang out with and be friends with people who disagree with you?
yes, but stand for what you believe and don’t give a hint that you comply with others wrong thinking.
380. Are you uptight?
No, unless the situation calls for it.
381. Do you sometimes do risky things?
Yes. Some times on purpose.
382. Could just about anyone hold your interest in a conversation for at least ten minutes?
I think so. Lots of factors to consider here.
383. Are you self-conscious?
About some things. I always check my zipper.
384. What would be your ideal destination for a Saturday afternoon?
Movie with Libby
385. Does anyone have a video tape of you doing something embarrassing?
Not to my knowledge.
386. What is Kevin Smith’s( best movie?
Good Will Hunting,
387. Where do you like to go on Friday or Saturday nights?
388. Do you like your friends to act the same way all the time or do you accept their moods and changes?
Be real is the best. Be yourself and be accepting.
389. Do you often feel like other people are judging you?
390. What do you think other people judge you to be like?
Being a hard head.
391. Are you quick to judge others?
Quick? No, judging yes.
392. When you have a fight with someone do you want to talk about it right away or calm down first and then talk?
What ever the need be.
393. Some say love is a river (according to the old song). What do you say love is?
394. What is the worst fault a person can have?
395. Do you have it?
Not to that extent, most not in myself
396. Which do you think has more impact on a person’s character, genetics or environment?
Environment. The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.
397. Who was your first best friend?
398. If you are not best friends anymore, what came between you?
no problems
399. Who have you read a biography about?
must not have been very good, I can’t remember
400. What would your own autobiography be called?
The Enemy is Me
501. If you could rename yourself what would your new name be?
Right now? …. Tim Teebow
502. What is your Glam Rock name (the name of your first pet plus your street name)?
Smoky Valley, stupid question!
503. Have you ever created your own 'what ___ are you' quiz?
NO. Another stupid question!
If you did make one what would it be about?
What vegetable are you?
504. What is your favorite song from the 70's?
Hotel California – Eagles
505. What do you feel like complaining about?
Being fat.
506. What do you feel like celebrating?
The love of a savior.
507. Have you lost touch with anyone you should call?
Robert Bell, Fred, Lucky, Louie, Larry…
508. Deep in thought do you forgive everyone?
Absolutely, when in deep thought
509. Can a person speak out against their government and still support their country?
510. What do you have faith in?
A god that’s love is eternal and absolute.
511. Do you believe your government has a file on you somewhere?
Of course, to get my funds and time.
512. What (not who) do you care about?
513. What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you?
loose a loved one
514. Who or what is really the absolute root and source of all evil?
515. What do you want to change about the world?
Greed, feed the hungry give them fresh water
516. Why did you decide to complete this survey?
517. Has anyone ever led you on?
Oh yea, many have tried and few succeded
518. What was the last thing you did against your will?
Wear certain clothes because it is suppose to be professional
519. What are your plans for the rest of today?
deal with kids, listen to garbage, go to the board meeting and listen to more garbage.
520. How can you make tomorrow better than today was?
Rest, rest, pray and look for the Jesus in it all.
521. Would you rather date someone 4 feet tall or 9 feet tall?
I don’t think Libby would like it but I did date a 5’1” girl once, not bad…
522. How often do you get jealous?
One time more than necessary.
523. What is the one thing you do that your friends wish you didn't?
show up
524. Do you do any soul searching?
Sometimes I do a lot of soul seeking, I don’t know about searching
525. Do you believe you have a soul?
Already given it to the LORD.
526. Would you rather have a child that is more confident or more curious?
Confidence will bring curiosity
527. Are you a slave to love?
SLAVE? No. captive, yes
528. If you were going to write a bedtime story for someone you loved what would it be about?
The story of the crippled that was healed, the sad that was made happy, and the ugly that was revealed to be beautiful.
529. Does anyone understand you?
NO, not in this world.
530. Do you understand yourself?
Absolutely not.
531. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water: Which is your element?
532. Who influences you to be the way you are?
533. What is one idea that you live by?
Everybody is worth some effort
534. How can people act to make you want to get to know them?
be generous
535. Are you more delicate or tough?
Tough in a delicate way
536. Would you rather be smarter or more beautiful?
537. Have you ever had a surprise party?
538. When are you at a loss for words?
When asking for money.
539. What is the worst time to be alone?
Alone is a bad time, no matter when it is.
540. What do your parents do that you will try never to do?
Sacrifice my children’s needs for others needs.
541. What gets you through the night?
542. Do you really want to live forever?
Only with Christ in heaven, surely not in this world.
543. Do you often experience powerful emotions?
YES, very powerful. The kind that will take you breath.
544. What could make you so happy right now that you would cry and laugh and sing?
545. Who is your favorite visual artist?
Kenneth Quin
546. What would you like to protest against?
Parents wanting the school to be their baby sitter and day care.
547. What or who do you support?
God almighty, USA, cheese cake
548. If you found out you were pregnant today, would you have an abortion?
Impossible, but no.
549. Do you like picking out greeting cards or would you rather write your own?
Do my own
550. Do you like to be thought of as mysterious?
I really don’t care either way.