Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Got to school today feeling pretty good, knowing that I would have a Divine appointment some time during the day. Little did I know the divine appointment was to be "me" meeting with me about Him.

You know God will not give you more than you can take but I had a coach tell me "you gonna feel like dying, you gonna want to die but before you die your body will just quit. Then I'll fix you and you can move on, so don't worry about dying, you got me."

It is so important to KNOW who you are. Who you are in the eyes of God and those you love. Today I had an encounter with several folk that "weren't feeling me." They didn't see me as a child of God who was bought with a sacrifice of a loving Son, they didn't see me as a loving father that would give all for his family, they didn't see me as a person who would rather serve others that be served, they didn't see me because they are blind to the good things in life by the evil things and sin.

My heart hurt for them, but there is nothing I can do to open their eyes. I was not alone. I had my Jesus with me. He tells me that "I'll never leave you..." He was there and His Spirit gave me the peace, kindness, and patience I needed. Oh yea, He was there!

It's a new day but the same song just a difference verse for many. I pray God will give those I dealt with today sight, but those folk "gots to want it" first. I also pray that God give those of us that love Him better sight so we can help the blind.

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