Monday, April 23, 2012

As long as I have been in education from time to time people hurt me with their words. After giving so much to try to help a student or parent they"ll pull the race card. I guess they have been hurt by some white person before and now they want to dump on me as a result without considering my efforts towards helping them. I guess they get mad and insteed of seeing red they see white.

I've been called a racist many times during my career but I can't remember a time when I was called a racist while in high school or while I was involved in athletics. I guess it was because the conflict wasn't about the color of my skin but more how hard I kicked your butt during the game. I chose to go to the high school I went to "just because". All my friends went to the "all white" schools while my high school was about even black and white. To this day I have strong friends that are black guys I played football with during high school and college.

My career as an educator is speckled with the racist claim. It is usually from a student or parent that is mad because they didn't get their way. It has been difficult to handle those statements without a rebuttal of the same magnitude. I can't control what people think when it comes to color of skin but I can control the way I'm perceived based of a true assessment of my action. Will maybe...

I liken the racist claim to the statement that is thrown at individuals who make some tough decisions that folk see as not going their way. "And I thought you were a Christian" statement is just like the "you are a racist" statement. Please!!! judge me on what I do but pointing the finger at me or someone else because you don't like what I do that doesn't go your way... PLEASE!!!! Grow up and learn up. I wish I could say absolutely that I loved all people but I can't. There are just to many people that do stuff that I don't like for me to love everyone. I don't like what they do because it is wrong, it hurts others, it hurts me, or is against my faith. Yes I said faith and I mean faith in Christ. Now some will say things about me because of the last few lines but I am but a man. A sinful man, saved by the grace of a living savior.

I said I didn't loved all people but the possibility is there for me. Christ lives in me and because of that I can love others by letting him have control of my life. LOVING BY FAITH. Not an easy thing but a absolute possibility for all Christians.

Anyway, I was sent this article today and it says so much about the attitude that so many people of color have towards others that I thought that I would "not be quiet."

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation..

White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks.

It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known..

Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ' 60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks. We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??

Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona ? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...?

Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America ?

Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena . And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing. Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.

I am Not racist, Not violent, Just not silent.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wake Up World

When are we going to wake up to the facts that violence happens in schools.
Once again a young person is hurt and others killed and of course we start looking for causes of the behavior.
"We never thought he would do something like that."
"Well, he has had some problems."
"If we had metal detectors this wouldn't have happened."
"The community is pulling together to try and make some sense of this."
"If only the schools had ..."
Let's look at this several ways. (list time)
1. If the communities would give control of the schools back to the schools this might not have happened. Public education is a right provided by the constitution. Professional educators are supposed to run the schools, BUT! the constant bombardment by parents and "guardians" to create conveniences force the schools to bend at the cost of safety and performance. How LONG ago did we decide that schools should feed students breakfast. Sure at one point some students actually didn't have any breakfast before school but why did it become the school's responsibility to feed students. Go to any public school dining hall before school and you'll see that it is a holding place for students before the first class. IT IS A GATHERING POINT FOR STUDENTS.  A place where things ARE going to happen and can't be prevented. Oh sorry, the teachers are supervising the students right. 300 to 400 students supervised by 4, 6, 8 adults?????? Of course this is done with the assumption that the students will be respectful and accept the authority of these professional educators. HELLO PARENTS WHERE ARE YOU OR SHOULD I SAY WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THIS YOUNG ADULT WAS A CHILD??????
2. How about we get government out of the schools too, or at least get out to some degree. No Child Left Behind!!!!!!!?? How about those who are getting because of those you don't care it they are left behind and would rather be left behind? We've lower our standards now because of governmental regulations. Lowered so far that a 60% performance is considered as mastery or a "D". How governmental funding? is it a funding associated with the number of students??? NO! it's the average number who attend school. Never mind that maybe 50% come regularly to get what they need to become a prosperous citizen and then 40% come because their parents use the schools as a day care or just want a break from their own defiant disrespectful children. City government will question schools about attendance because if they aren't in school then they are on the street or breaking in some one's house. HELLO PARENTS! HELLO COPS! HELLO JUSTICE SYSTEM!!!
3. How about drugs? sure that might be at fault to some degree but was this kid on drugs when he fires that gun? Which ones? or was it some previous use that left him in an "irregular" state of mind that lead to this.
4. How about the gun? Of course the gun didn't shoot these kids, the kid pulled the trigger, but where did this gun come from??? Mom or dad? Grand pa or ma? Friend? Friend's dad or mom? Now you might say something about the fat white guy pushing gun control and you would be RIGHT!!!!! Absolute gun control? NO WAY but controlling guns YES! I have a gun but NONE of my children or family could get to it. Shouldn't the person that bought this gun or who didn't secure it have to pay a price for two deaths! I say let that person should be stripped naked, painted yellow ,and have to hold the hand of this young adult for as long as he is in jail.
5. How about...

I could go on and on and on and on. the fact is that it happened and the question is what will we do now?

As long as "there is" there will be bad stuff happen. Whether it is in a school or not it is going to happen. Putting "prayer back in school" is not the answer but it is close. Bad things happen because of corruption and sin in this world. It's not an accident. I'm sure the "hot topic" of bullying will come up many times related to this shooting but bullying is nothing new. Christ was asked about the greatest commandment. He said Love God but then He said love your neighbor. How about treat others as you want to be treated, you know that "Do Unto Others Thang."

This is a dark world full of sickness and corruption and it will remain that way until we, both you and I allow the light of the World to shine through us.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

MIrror Mirror

Say what!
I have the opportunity to share what God has taught me aomewhat frequently. I mean someone will say something about their "problem" God's Spirit usually gives me something to say. Most of the time I get the feeling what I'm saying to them is what I should be saying to myself. Looking in the mirror as such and seeing what is "right".

Why is it that we always seem to have an answers to others problems but never listen to what we say to them or apply what we already know to be the truth.

Today I spoke with a man who said he was "opening up to a change in his life and was praying for God to show him the direction to go."  "so what do you think?"  I hesitated to say what's the hold up aand fought the feeling to say he should stop waiting on the LORD to correct his bad mistakes. This guy made a BIG decision this past year, he got married. Marriaage is one of those things that if you don't prepare yourself you're going to have major problems. I'm not a marriage coounselor!

This is what is I told him. The Bible teaching the principles of God and the Spirit of God shows us what is right and what's wrong. Of course Holy Spirit recalls to us the things we need to know when we need to know things. Seems pretty simple so why is it so hard to be the person we want to be and tell others they can be? As the Kids say. "that's messed up."

Well here's my best answer it's all about faith in God and belief in oneself. Jesus was asked once what is the greatest commandment and he responded Love God and the second is love youself. Of course the greatest principle of all is that God loves you unconditionally. Right Of coruse right! So having a loving God that show mercy and provides for our every need should lead us to believing that we can be above the standard, we can live uncommonly, we can be what we want to be. Being uncommon is OK and reallly is desirable.

Today December 15, 2011 I plan to become an uncommom person. I will speak what is right and when I don't I will ask God for forgiveness and also forgive myself. I will do what I think is right and if I don't I will make things right but I will not beat myself up. I will stand with those who are deserving and cannot stand by themselves.

Touching The Soul?

Inspiration is really short in this world and then there is Timmy. It is amazing to me to see a person that lives above most of us in commitment to his God and who does not follow the standard of his profession but goes beyond any standard. His career may be short lived but his impact will last forever. This believer, this boy, is unforgettable but he is not worthy of our worship. Only our God is worthy of praise and worship.

Wanted to share this article with you.

I rest my case.

When all looks lost, Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow keeps his cool

Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow delivers a pass during the second quarter Sunday against the Bears. (Tim Rasmussen, The Denver Post)

Tim Tebow was wired for sound against the Chicago Bears as part of NFL Films ' "Sound Effects." What is most striking is how remarkably calm the Broncos' quarterback was during what has become known as "Tebow Time."

When Bears running back Marion Barber fumbled the ball away in overtime, pandemonium broke out on the Broncos' sideline. Running back Jeremiah Johnson, sitting next to Tebow on the bench, went nuts. Johnson started pounding repeatedly on Tebow's shoulder pads, yelling and screaming.

Tebow's reaction? At first he said nothing. He got off the bench and as he started walking on the field, he quietly began singing a hymn. Not above a whisper, but here the world was turned upside down in an instant and Tebow was singing.

Two cool moments: He's sitting on the bench next to quarterbacks coach Adam Gase. "Why do we have to do it this way?" Gase asks Tebow, referring to how the team is forced to continually rally from behind late.

Tebow smiles, put his right hand around Gase's shoulder and says: "It's all right. We'll figure it out, man."

Another moment comes after Demaryius Thomas lets a long Tebow pass slip through his fingers. Thomas then, and later, said he short-armed the ball and he should have caught it for a touchdown. After the incompletion, a bummed Thomas is on the bench. Again Tebow is sitting to the left.

Tebow puts his arm around Thomas and says: "You're good. Hey, no big deal. It just makes it closer for a little bit longer. You're about to catch the game-winner. And then you'll be the hero of the game."

Mike Klis, The Denver Post

Read more: When all looks lost, Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow keeps his cool - The Denver Post

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Devil went down to Carols

I'm a deacon at my church and I take it very seriously. More that that I take my faith in Christ and my personal relationship with Christ therefore I believe in service to the "church" not because I'm a deacon or just a member of the church but as an act of my faith. So when I was offered the opportunity to act as an usher for the Christmas program I could not say no. Not of to one night but to all five! Now I'd never done this before but I've ushered different thing before so no problem right?

Let me tell you some of the experiences I had over this three day 5 event period.

Now being a usher you are given two assigned seat for you to sit in after your area of seats have been filled. I gave my seats up 4 nights and sat on the floor to allow others to have seat for the performances. I didn't have time to leave the church between services on Saturday or Sunday and got home near to 9:00 each night. Poor me? Not a problem, because I committed to the program. That's just the way it is suppose to be. Yes? Of course yes.

Now I offer you a real life look at the people who come to "FREE" events that are meant for worship and presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Of course in the form of a list!
1.Dress attire:
 Ladies come in several categories. there the "I'm afraid someone won't see me group that dress like it is the academy awards and that's OK but if you are clearly over 50 you dress length should be below 6" of your rear end!!!!!!! Good grief woman what is to point of you showing 91% of you legs and in many case leaving nothing to the imagination. By the way, most of you CAN NOT pull "the look" off so use your mind and conscience because the rest of us don't like it.
Sub group here is the women that wear a "maga coat" but take it off as soon as they are in the building only to show 57%-72% of their chest. LORD have mercy! I'm sorry about your mother's death. How do I know your mother is dead you might ask. Because if she were alive she would slap you all the way back to the closet to dress yourself respectfully.
The next group is the "I forgot about the program so I came directly from Walmart" group. Please ask Santa for some matching tops and bottom stress pants this year. And please when the coats go on sale get one that will cover you middle and remember little animals are not in style anymore.
The next group are the men. Of yes, the men don't get out of this. Camouflage is not a color and it is for hunting. Don't wear you hat in doors and if you have been wearing a hat remember what happens to your hair after you have been wearing a hat for a while.
2. Behavior group:
At your house there is a thermostat that controls the temperature. Ifyou are cold PUT YOUR COAT ON!  Don't ask me to turn the heat up when you are sitting with your coat in  your lap.
I don't give out tickets. No there is absolutely no reserved sitting. I don't have anything to do with tickets. Nothing, absolutely nothing to do with tickets. so if you want to complain about there not being enough seats then next time read that tickets are void prior to the the event starting so you best get there early before people without tickets get YOUR seat.
3. The "Be Like Jesus" group
Thank you for being so nice. I met some of the sweetest people that would give up their seat for another location so a family could sit together. That's the spirit of Christmas.
4. You take your life in your own hands if you insist on using profanity in God's house. "SHAZAM"!!!

5. If you want to fight ... come on outside. 
If you get mad at the world because you had to sit in a folding chair in a not so good place, don't take it out on me and if you do expect me to respond in like manner. Do not take a swing at me unless you want it back at you. That is for young and old alike.

Carols By Candel Light was a wonderful experience for almost all the 15000+ people that attended the program. God was glorified in so many was and i worshiped Him.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not The Old Days

How Much More?

College sports keeps throwing up signs that ought to stop us from believing in their virtue, and yet we keep running right through them. How much longer 'til we reach a tipping point?
This is one of the articles on an ESPN site this morning. Brought some thoughts to me that I'd like to share.
Now I can speak because I played, I coached, and I watched the game but also experience the game.
The people that mean most to me outside my family are my old teachers and coaches. I never had to worry about one of them mistreating me or leading me in the wrong direction. Never! They spoke the way people of influence should. They acted the way people of influence should. The dressed the way people of influence should. They expected of me like people of influence should. I was surely inspired by many people in the spot light because they had done things that I thought were unattainable for me. I knew that as I began to have opportunities to be a part of the "TEAMS" there was more expected of me than just the average guy. I signed my first autograph August 1972. I remember the thought, "you want my autograph? Why do you want my autograph?" I wasn't a starter for the Bulldogs but this young boy seems to think because i was a player for Mississippi State I was worthy of him having my autograph. It was a great day for me. I quickly developed "my autograph" that of course contained a scripture verse, Phil. 4:13. For the next 3 years i was called upon to speak for the MSU Fellowhsip of Athletes across the state of Mississippi.  It was a privilege to represent the University, my fellow players, and our LORD. Later I began to coach and teach young. I knew the responsibility people had placed on me coaching their sons and daughters. I do not think they ever doubted me efforts to protect their children in every way. Today those kids are my other sons and ddaughters. I will never forget them. I may not recognize them because they are big people now but their memories are that of more than just kids i taught or coached. In 1989 i began my administrative career and I missed the coaching but because of the position I held I felt greater responsibility not only to protect but to guide into the future. Have I failed? Yes, many times but there are a lot of wins. Have I lost some? yes, too many. Drowned, shot, car accident, prison, drugs, gangs, guns, hateful parents, rape, murder, and more.
The WINS, oh yes!!! Doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, business men, pastors, military, professors, teachers, coaches, assistant principals, principals, therapists, mothers, daddys, and more that really count to the world.
Everybody can play sports of one kind or another. It makes no difference in their size, shape, speed, or color. I had one boy, name was Pit. To small to not be in some body's shade, but what a heart. I was afraid to let him play his first year because he was so small but turn him loose and he was like a dog after a rabbit. he might caught the rabbit and the rabbit drag him around but he was never letting go. GREAT KID! 
OK, rambled some but my rant is related to  College athletes now. What is wrong with college football?
5. TV
11. MONEY!
It doesn't take a genus to see the signs that the entire NCAA program in way out of control. THE TIPPING POINT? TOO LATE!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jo Po Oh No!!!

Failure in his own eyes??

OK! Good Grief!!! What else is going to happen this football season?? Maybe Delta State is going to reveal that there successful program is because they have a special CORN/Marijuana cross that all the players eat before their game.

That is just about as far out as i would have expected Jo Paterno being in the situation he is today. Saddens me to think that he would not have done any more to prevent this than he did.

I am adding this article that says it all. HOW SAD IT IS!

Paterno failed Penn State more than any coach has ever failed a school, and that’s not the worst of it.

Joe Paterno professed to be part of the larger university community, but in truth, he believed the university was there to serve him, Richard Justice writes. (Jamie Squire/Allsport)

Joe Paterno didn’t do the right thing then, and he wasn’t going to do the right thing now. He was going to do it his way. He was going to please himself, and to hell with anyone who thought he should do it otherwise.

In the end, he seemingly couldn’t understand how he failed the school he professed to love so much. He just didn’t understand that he could not coach another game, that he could not stay at Penn State another hour.

Paterno simply didn’t understand that it would have been unspeakably offensive for him to coach again. How would the victims have felt? How would their families have felt?

How have they felt the last decade when they believed no one would ever be held accountable? They must have felt that Paterno was the law and order in Happy Valley, and that no one — no district attorney, no cop, no one — would challenge him.

Indeed, that’s one of the lessons of this story. Paterno became accountable to no one, and isn’t that sad? He was the moral compass of State College and of Penn State.

He earned that status by winning games, graduating players and not cheating. He seemed different from so many of the others because during his 46 seasons, Penn State proved it could win with honor.

Somewhere along the way, Paterno’s value system became distorted. He had more power than any school president or mayor or athletics director, and because we assumed he always used it for good, because we believed the things he said about winning with honor, we allowed his power to grow and grow and grow.

Paterno built what appeared to be a model program, but he also built a program around secrecy and arrogance. No one crossed Joe Paterno. No one challenged Joe Paterno.

Paterno professed to be part of the larger university community, but in truth, he believed the university was there to serve him.

Someday, he may tell us why why he allowed an alleged child rapist to have his run of the football facilities. Paterno was given an eyewitness account of his most trusted assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky, engaging in sexual behavior with a 10-year-old child.

Even if Paterno thought the best of his assistant, even if he doubted he would ever harm a child, he had the moral and ethical responsibility to send him home and bar him from the campus until there was a thorough investigation.

Only Paterno didn’t do that. He allowed Sandusky to bring children onto the campus, allowed him to continue to be treated like a VIP. If Joe Paterno wasn’t an enabler, he was very, very close.

Maybe Paterno refused to believe what he’d been told. Maybe he believed he owed Sandusky such a debt of gratitude that he simply couldn’t bring himself to do the right thing.

In not acting, Paterno failed the victims. He allowed Sandusky’s crimes to continue. Against children with no voice. Children without fat bank accounts. Children who were not blue-chip recruits. Here’s hoping those children haunt Joe Paterno for the rest of his life.

Sure, he failed Penn State, too. He failed his university as badly as any coach has ever failed a school. Every other scandal — Ohio State, Miami, SMU, Baylor, UNLV — seems irrelevant compared to this one.

After all the years in which he was the college coach, the college educator, others were measured against, his career ends in shame. All those years, all those records, all the good, now will be a footnote to the horror of the crimes against children.

Now that Paterno is gone, Penn State can begin to repair itself. But it won’t happen quickly.

It will take time to replace the leadership and to find new people, and even after the new people are in place, even if they’re good and honest people, the legal case will continue for years, and when each new chapter is written, the world will be reminded of the crimes that took place at Penn State, of the the crimes that people like Joe Paterno failed to respond to.

Someday, Penn State may get its reputation back, but it’s unlikely to ever be what it once was. Joe Paterno has stained Penn State forever, but at least he’s gone.

It must be tough being a football god or thinking you are a football god.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Great Riddle


Only 5% of Stanford University graduates figured it out! Can you answer all seven of the following questions with the same word?

1. The word has seven letters....

2. Preceded God...

3. Greater than God...

4. More Evil than the devil...

5. All poor people have it...

6. Wealthy people don’t need it....

7. If you eat it, you will die.

Did you figure it out?

Try hard before looking at the answers

Did you get it yet?

Give up?

Brace yourself for the answer....

The Answer below:


NOTHING has 7 letters.

NOTHING preceded God.

NOTHING is greater than God.

NOTHING is more Evil than the devil.

All poor people have NOTHING.

Wealthy people need NOTHING.

If you eat NOTHING, you will die.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Great weekend for College football. If you like that kind of stuff. Of course I watched the highly talked about Alabama LSU game. Well, I watched some of it. I knew going in that Alabama had the best defense I've ever seen on a college team but expected the LSU Tigers to test it. Before the game i was predicting a 27- 21 Alabama victory but as I watched the game stretch out I knew that two factors would determine the real winner. One: Coaching decisions (right thing at the right time) and two: team execution (doing what should be done at the right time.)
Now I must say my love for the game greatly diminished after playing for 10 years. it occurred when i went to a game what i watched the team I had played on play against I don't remember who. What happened you ask and I know you asked. I heard what YOU say when things don't go just wonderfully on the field. The shouting at, the talking down to, the blame, OMG! I never had any idea of what was going one up in the stands while I was playing as hard as I could with a sprain knee, a pulled groin, a hiper extended elbow, cuts over my eyes or some virus that caused me to loose 18 pounds in one afternoon. OK, there it is. That is why many old player don't go to games and that is why I don't enjoy going either. Of course you engineering majors, the liberal arts folk and business guys love the trips back to campus. To some folk it is more that some drinks, some chicken, some dip you can't pronounce and some special chips that you can only find and get at that "place" and they actually taste like the Kroger brand.
I can go for the snacks and even seeing some old friends but the hike, the climb, the noise, the excited red-necks that must not have a life outside of the seasonal killing off of live animal, football, putting bigger wheels on there trucks and the making of babies. THAT IS NOT FOR ME!.

OH, back to the game. I can sum up the entire night by saying this. You may see another game in your life time that puts two teams of close match as these two were but you probably will never see two teams as good as those to teams ever play again. NO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP NOTHING. THESE ARE THE TWO BEST TEAMS IN THE COUNTRY AND WE'LL PROBABLY NEVER SEE A SO CLOSELY MATCH GAME OF GOOD ATHLETES AND COACHES AGAIN. It only happens twice in each EON.

Be that a it may be, Les Myles is the luckiest Coach ever right? Of course right, but luck has nothing to do with execution by players. Doing what you have been coached is what make things look like luck. The players for LSU won this game because they did what they were supposed to do when it counted. Whether first play or last execution execution execution.

Nick, tough game bro, but kick, kick, kick. Nick please!!  50+ yards to give field position away. Nicky baby!?!?! No national championship for you.

Lastly, if you want to have fun and get a few laughs go to the park when the first and second grade soccer teams are playing. Carry a cooler and some samwiches. the parents and kids will give you a laugh if the parents don't. You might get a since of what sports are all about anyway.

WAIT! one more thing to ponder. It has to do with two people. One is a Bama student. J Finley, a senior majoring in telecommunication and film. he is mentioned in this article related to the cost of a ticket for the Bama LSU game.

Most Alabama students paid $5 for a ticket to Saturday’s game against LSU, but for some fans, the cost of attendance may be hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Statewide website reported there were two tickets for sale on for a seat in row 25 of the lower level north end zone for $10,423.14 each. The tickets are no longer available.
Will Flaherty, director of communications for, a search engine that pulls together ticket listings from all major secondary ticket websites, said the average ticket price of sold tickets on their website is $606.

For comparison, tickets to Game 7 of this year’s World Series averaged $601 on SeatGeek, tickets to Game 5 of the NBA Finals averaged $686, tickets to last year’s BCS National Championship game averaged $1,351, and tickets to last year’s Super Bowl averaged $3,067.13, Flaherty said.

“This is a demand we’ve never seen in our two years of doing this,” Flaherty said. “The ticket prices are astronomically expensive, but there are tickets still available. I think it really speaks to just how great these two teams are. They have two loyal fan bases and are a drivable distance away, which really allows people to spend more money on their game tickets.”

Many UA students have posted their tickets on websites such as and Facebook Marketplace to make a profit.

J Finley, a senior majoring in telecommunication and film, said he was selling his ticket to Saturday’s game for $300.

“This ticket and game tickets in general are a great source for extra income,” Finley said. “I don’t have a job, so this is basically like my paycheck. This ticket is one of the most valuable tickets I’ve sold in my four years of flipping tickets. I’d rather watch the game in the comfort of my home instead of standing up for three hours.”

UA student Corey Neill said he was asking for $300 because that’s how much it’s worth to him to miss the game.

“I could definitely use the extra money for bills, but I would also love to go to the game myself,” Neill said. “I can remember paying $230, including an upgrade fee, to go to the Tennessee game when I had just transferred in and feel like this is a much more important game. I think it’s a lot of money for one game, but at the same time, I could see myself spending just as much if I didn’t have a ticket.”

Doug Walker, associate athletics director at the University, said the face value of tickets to attend Saturday’s game is $85, regardless of whether the seats are on the 50-yard line or in the upper deck.

The other person.... I don't know his name. He is one of the 34,000 children that die daily of preventable diseases. One of those that live without fresh water. Makes you want to question how many tickets does it take to put a fresh water well in a nation to provide water to those in need. 59!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Got this from a friend and had to post it. It is so true that it hurts and this is only a part of the story.

Learning from Obituaries....

It seems that every couple of days New Orleans loses one of its treasured


Lets get the players straight before we go on with this.

interpretation of data not verified but...


His Companion: Kawanner Armstrong

His Sons: Christian Allen

Kwan Allen

Larmondo Allen, Jr.

His Daughters: Deidra Allen

Larmenshell Allen

Lamonshea Allen

Larmomdriel Allen

Larmerja Allen

Korevell Allen

AT AGE 25 - He had 9 Children.

(Could Kawanner Armstrong Possibly Be The Mother Of All Of His Kids?)

His Father: Burnell Thompson

His Mother: Esther Allen

His Stepfather: Bruce Gordy

His Brothers: Burnell Thompson

Edgar Thompson

Wil Willis

Danta Edwards

Reshe Edwards

Mattnell Allen

Burnell Allen

Lester Allen

His Sisters: Shannail Craig

Lekiksha Thompson

Gwendolyn Carter

Jessica Willis

Katina Gordy

Grandparents: Delors Allen

J.C. Allen

Anna Laura Thompson

Will Thompson

So, lets see now...

His Father, Burnell Thompson, fathered his brothers Burnell, Edgar and his sister Lekiksha.

His Stepfather, Bruce Gordy, fathered his Sister Katina.

His Mother, Esther Allen, must have been unwed when she gave birth to: Larmondo, Mattnell, Burnell and Lester.

We don't know who fathered Wil Willis and Jessica Willis, or Dante and Reshe Edwards.

Lets hope sisters Shannail Craig and Gwendolyn Carter are married.




He was 25 and had 3 sons and 6 daughters.

NINE welfare recipients collecting $950 each.....

That equals $8,550 a month!!! Now add Food Stamps,

Free medical, Free school lunches, and on and on

Do the math ... $102,000+/year.

Anyone out there, sittin' on their butt while reading this e-mail, making A HUNDRED GRAND doing nothing?



And THAT is why this once great country is BANKRUPT!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I got his from a friend today. goes with the Walden belief that we got money and we have needs.  I mean i don't like the idea of giving people something for nothing.that's right welfare, medicaid. I mean why should i pay for something that the Government pays for those lazy people that don't try to do anything. I met a person one time that said that they had to be careful how much money they made because they would loose their Medicare benefits. PLEASE! We are setting up a future of lard ass lazy do nothing people while the rest of us work our butts off.

I mean i don't want poor people going without basic needs but there is a difference between poor and lazy-ass people that sit on their cough growing butt all day watching premium channels of their big screen TVs.  Please use my taxes for the poor and proper stuff. NOT FOR THESE GUYS!

Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time

Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time

Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time

United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.

Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.

Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.

Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.

Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.

Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.

Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.

Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.

Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.

Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.

Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.

Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.

India votes against the United States 81% of the time.

Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.

Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States,

Still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States

And receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States

Receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States

Receives $143,699,000 annually.


Good Grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Uncoomon Sense

Common Sense vs Uncommon Sense

OK, Revelation!

Seems that there is a serious lack of common sense being used today. I see kids and the "parents" daily that either do not have common sense or they aren't aware of it. I guess you can't teach common sense but when you look at it in a cause and affect situation, it 's either there or not. Maybe experience is the foundation of common sense or the sharing of experiences by some one you trust who has shared their adventures with you. I don't know. I guess you could look at the idea that common sense is tied to logic some how. Of course it is but don't you have to have some facts to base that logic on or at least a thought process that uses the facts as facts and not likes, guesses or conveniences? Of course some facts or maybe faith in facts and where do you get the facts or beliefs that propagate the thought process? Education, family, friends, books, genes, TV, movies, God?

OK! Walden philosophy...
Common sense is the crowd's decision, the average of what every one thinks is correct. It's based on what the average action or reaction would be by the masses of human beings. I mean you might think about something different than I but we might come to the same conclusion because we base the decision on the facts we know, but how we interpret the facts may cause us to reach a different conclusion.

So I present to you a new term. "Uncommon sense", the thought process that is not governed by the average way of thinking but the "other" way. I give you God's way of thinking. God's way can be so uncommon or "unaverage" as the world thinks. I think we might call it "Unworldly" thought.

I think "uncommon sense" might be pretty easy to recognize because if it is based on God's principles, that are by the way unchangeable. They should be a Godly expression that can be traced back to the uniqueness of God and his attributes.

Christian are called out to be separate to  the world and be "uncommon" in their thought processes.


Thursday, October 20, 2011



I have recently made some major decisions in my life and have felt good about them but there is always doubt. Age sneaks up on us and for those of us that are FAT and our bodies have been through several deaths and resurrections. My plan in life was to retire when I was 55 and now I'm 59, almost 60 years OLD! Good grief, that's old. I'll be on social security in two years and a little more than 3 months!!! Good grief!!!!

Growing up, in my family retirement was the time when you didn't have to work any more. You had all the money you needed. You could get a full tube of crickets and go fishing. You wouldn't have to tell anyone. I'm sitting at my desk doing the blog thing, I've got a broken leg that I walked around on for 4 months before discovering, I've gained 10 pounds because I can't do my usual workouts and i wonder if I'll ever run again. I find myself trying to take care of other people when I can't take care of myself. My life gets shorter every day because i can't do what I think I should be able to do or what I expect that I can do.

I found this today and it really expresses a lot of how I feel.

"I'm 76 and I'm Tired"I'm 76. Except for brief period in the 50's when I was doing my National Service, I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for some some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.

I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.

I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.

I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and madrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia , New Zealand , UK, America and Canada , while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..

I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.

I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems. I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's be-deck them selves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government.

Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 76.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and her children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in.

Well I'll end by saying I'm tired but I'm also FEED UP, and that is a blog for another time.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Very few truly important things in life are without their complexities. Our "JOB", of course, is no exception. The same is true of Christian focus. If focusing was easy and simple, either in the natural or the spiritual, we'd concentrate better at work, every athlete would spend more time "in the zone," every student would get the maximum from his brain, and we would probably be further along in our spiritual journey than we are. As with all great endeavors, there is a need for practice when it comes to maintaining focus on God.

We who grew up playing and watching sports forget all the small but critical things about a sport that we picked up along the way, things we don't even remember learning. Football's level of complexity is amazing. So guess what. Winning teams practice a lot! They do drills that teach skills. They run plays, the same ones over and over. The point is to practice. We would not be good at our work without learning about it and making an effort to apply what we learn.

A good work environment also depends on good relationships, so they also require effort. In a similar way, we practice maintaining our focus as we practice the complex life and death endeavor of living life with God. One of the ways we practice maintaining a God-focus all the time is by spending some time focusing on God. If you don't have a regular time in which you give God all your attention by praying, reading the Bible, listening to God, writing down your thoughts while focusing on God stuff. This is THE KEY to being able to maintain a God focus. We can learn to maintain God focus all the time, but we must start by having God focus some of the time.

The Apostle Paul told the Thessalonian church to "rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances" (I Thessalonians 5: 16-18) which is a way of saying that it's possible to keep focused on God all the time, keeping aware of his presence just as He is aware of us. Paul was a practical fellow who didn't give unrealistic advice. To understand what he was getting at, we need to start with having a God focus some of the time. That means including some of our work time. Now unlike football practice, or some work, it doesn't have to be drudgery. In fact, if you stay at it, this will become the time that is the highlight of your day. But like football practice or learning our work skills, our time of focus is preparing us for something else. It's the prep for living the rest of the day with God. It's prepping us for Game-time, when the working hours and the other hours are equally and all part of our God time.

Seems to me that God time must be all-time and all the time must be God time.

Thanks FBCJ work coach.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shane rides off...

I love that song "Happy Trails." You know it, "happy trails to youuuuuuu, keep smiling until thennnnnnn, happy trails to youuuuuuuuuuuu till we meeeeeet aaaaagain." Gen Autrey, the famous singing cowboy would sing it at the end of his show each week. Long time ago... it was only 30 minutes long, but what a 30 minutes it was.

I really liked those old westerns. It was easy to tell who the bad guys were and the women, well they knew there place. Now I don't mean that bad but in those times it was unusual to see a women in a role as a "BOSS" of the trail ride or other stuff. Ok, maybe running the salon, but then only if she could sing. I mean things were spelled out. You knew what to expect from everybody and you knew in the end Gene would be singing Happy Trails.

Where has our society gone wrong! Let me answer that with one word. EVERYWHERE! I personally believe it has to do with the switch on the man and woman roles in life.

I could not live without my Libby but I have not given up the role that I was brought up with of being the provider and protector and i could never give that role up. It would be like "demaning" yourself to give up that role.

Good grief, got off Happy Trails didn't I?

Any way, things for me have changed from the Gene Autrey show way of life. It may be time to sing the song for the last time. When what you are or what you have been for so long is taken from you have to face it that it is time to find a new role in life.

So we'll see. If would be mindful of my "search for significance" i would greatly appreciate it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Something Holy Smells II

As I promised I am back to comment on the situation that I see continuing at FBCJ.

Yesterday Dr. Buckley preached his final sermon as "pastor " of First Baptist Church of Jackson Mississippi. Personally I found it to be an above level sermon from Stan. I would really say that about 69% of it was an outstanding message of Faith and Action.

As promised at his resignation Dr. Buckley stated his reasoning for resigning from FBCJ. Impulsive decisions and not bringing enough people along on some major actions were two of these reasons, but I have major concerns that a majority of those in attendance missed his real reason.

Stan came to one of those points in his life that Henry Blackaby says are the turning points when we encounter God and make a life altering decision causing us to step out on faith and to exercise, prove that faith by action. Stan was confronted with the old "two paths in the woods, one less traveled" thing. Stan's confrontation with God was a win win thing, as always, where God gave Stan a new direction requiring faith as will as action.

Of course the process for FBCJ was a rocky, to say the less, process and I don't accept that Stan realized the difficulty of the process. Here are the facts as I see them: (that's right in a list!)
1. NO vote taken in any meeting but one was ever united as one related to the "package" given Stan. The only one would have been, that being from the special projects committee.
2. FBCJ will be forced to raise it's budget for the next church year by more that $100,00 and greater if they are to treat the current staff properly and meet the obligation for Stan's packet..
3.The "Special Project" committee made a decision and it was a done deal.
4.Roberts Rules of Order are no where in the Bible.

I perhaps may rant about this topic at another time but I'm cutting this short because I would just like for it to be over.

When I left the FBCJ sanctuary yesterday I was hurting. Hurting because of the way a few people were treated openly. We should have been more kindly. Hurting because I saw the "organization" and "politics" of the big church more clearly than ever in my life. There is a large strain on my faith in the "organization" of the FBCJ because of the absence of openness from the leadership. I personally sent 9 e-mails asking questions of the "leadership" but got not returns. NOT ONE!

POLITICS! Oh LORD why do we have to feel the political thing in God's house of I've got power so listen to me so don't think for yourself. I'm a doctor, lawyer, or banker so you should take me more serious that others.

LORD rescue us from ourselves.

The bottom line is this (of course in list form):
1. Stan Buckley is no longer the pastor at FBCJ.
2. There are somethings that are in need of repair at FBCJ. Beginning with LEADERSHIP.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Someting Smells Unholy

I'm sure you know and are aware of the recent resignation of the pastor at First Baptist Church.

I'm compelled to comment because I am a "Deacon" at this Large Old Church.

First, let's note that the pastor, Dr. Buckley, is not a close friend and I have had limited contact with this gentleman dispite being a deacon. What I Know as fact is that Dr. Buckley is a Christian man or of great intelligence. I know that he is very knowledgeable of the WORD of God and that he can teach the Bible with confidence. Dr. Buckley has a family and a wife and as far as I can tell he does a good job at being a father and husband.
Second, let me present several facts related to the Senior Pastor's ministry and relationship with the congregation of FBCJ. Dr. Buckley came from a church where the attendance in worship might be 400 on a good day. His previous church was a not so large church when compared to FBCJ. With that I would say that even the greatest preacher/pastor would he faced with challenges and probably make some mistakes. Some mistakes have been made, and everybody makes mistakes.

A large dissatisfaction with some "way we do things" became apparent after a "survey" was taken related to the changing of the "schedules" at FBCJ. The survey left no doubts that there was some division of the congregation of FBCJ in the way things were being done at FBCJ.

Dr. Buckley presented a major mission effort for the people for Haiti which produced a FBCJ giving effort of nearly $500,000. A wonderful mission project that has and continues to do many good things in that country and it's people. Except for a few procedural bumps the Haiti Project as gone very well and involved many members of FBCJ.

With this said let's be perfectly clear that NO "wrongful/bad stuff" have been said related to Dr. Stan Buckley. In my opinion he is a fine man that will continue to be used by God.

The facts continue:
Dr. Buckley has been out of the pulpit for a large number of Sundays for the last 3-4 months and decided to take advantage of a personnel policy that allows 7 weeks of sabbatical which he currently is enjoying.

Dr. Buckley resigned indicating that no one had asked him to resign and that God had given him release to leave FBCJ. Dr. Buckley also indicated that he had no plans to go to another church or organization. He resigned from his position of his on free will with no pressure from any group or individual.

Now comments on my part. If you are not under pressure from any group of individuals then where is the pressure coming from? WHAT IS THE DEAL??? We can then assume that Dr. Buckley had plans for his immediate future for maintaining his and his family's life style? or are we to assume that some "secret society" has taken it upon themselves to "help" FBCJ with it's problems?

It may be just me but if a man resigns from his job he HAS to have a plan to take care of the family or someone else has made a plan for him and his family. I don't mean GOD.

Recently the Deacon Body of FBCJ met to discuss the "transition" for Dr. Buckley. After much discussion, that group voted (split voted, As I saw it around 60/40) for a deal for Dr. Buckley. I will not go into the details because there are things being done as I write that may affect that deal. I will say this, if the deal goes as voted it will put Dr. Buckley in a position of putting FBCJ in a position of having to do better (increasing)in the area of "giving" than it has in the recent past or present under his leadership.

In my opinion either a deal was struck before any resignation was mentioned or Dr. Buckley is not the person I believe him to be by creating a very difficult situation for the staff and congregation of FBCJ.

Now don't take me wrong, we are talking about FBCJ which has a great tradition of doing great things for God. This is the same body of believers that raise over $500,000 for the building of a community in Haiti above the regular giving. The same FBCJ that has planted so many churches that are standing on their own and growing. But, don't take me wrong and do take me as the straight up person I am saying something just ain't right with this.

Dr. Stan Buckley will preach his final sermon as pastor of FBCJ on August 14. He has indicated that he will be more specific in his reasoning of resigning at that time. So I will save my final thoughts to the "POST DR. BUCKLEY ERA."

Give a little "butt?"

Just a thought, actually an extension of a thought from the past when we discussed the X-Auburn head coach, "Tubbyville", and his buy out. It was all about how simple it would be to give a very small part of the MILLIONS he receive towards fresh water for children in Africa that needed water for life.

Well ok for "Tubby" I can see that greed can be used by the devil in many ways. This thought is a little closer to the person as a whole or maybe the person's part. Today I saw where there was an increase in the number of "butt lifts" being done in the USA. GOOD GREIF!!! how much does it cost for a person to have their butt lifted???????? Why would a person want their "butt lifted"?? I tell you it takes more than not having it done and it would have to be a rather large amount for someone to be able to tell the difference. A "butt lift???Oh my God!!!!

OK, nose (get to the point), stomach (ok I can see that), breasts (all shapes and sizes). They are all expensive! What's next??

Let's keep in mind that those children, 30,000 a day, are still leaving this world for the next just because they don't have fresh warter to drink.

Could we stop thinking about our butts, noses, and our whatevers and put the funds that we can easly afford on a life saving effort.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011



I have known my girl since fall of 1970, but it wasn't till 5 years later that I got to know her. She is the best of the best.

I could not have asked for a better friend, she is always there for me.

I could not have asked for a better mother for my children, she loves unquestionably and is very very wise. Of course she knows when to ask me for the right answers.

No one could ask for a better grandmother, "LeLe."

I could not have asked for a better lover... enough said.

I could not have lived this long without her. She "completes" me in more than one way.

She challenges me to see my true self and not the one that I see must of the time.

I want to give here everything because she deserves it.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Home coming or going?

My Dad would be proud but would not have gone with me for attend the latest "Gaither Homecoming" concert. My Dad was anti-social to the point I almost didn't recover. My wonderful wife had bought tickets without, of course, my knowing so it was a clear sign that she had big wants of going.

I was not very joyful in going because i have have one of those days for about 3 weeks now and after an hour workout at "Cardio Rehab" I was big tired and my legs hurt big time. Now these tickets weren't cheap, I think $30.00 each. I expected to be able to see the performers and not have my butt go to sleep of a folding chair.

Folks, I was sitting in the next to last row in the very top of FBCJ in a folding chair that I wasn't very confident in at all. I could look straight out and see the chandeliers, straight out. If I stood up I had to look around it to see the stage. Oh yea the stage. I know it was there because I'm familiar with the very large room but, the performers were the size of my class ring. If it had not been for the large screens I couldn't have told who was singing or what.

The place was full full full and very gray or silver how ever you see it. I don't think there was any "Non-believing" type people but there had to be all denominations of believers there in great numbers. I'm sure that if a fight had broke out the baptist would have won. Now one of the highlights of the evening was when the "little lights" can out. Evidently the Gaither bunch" had given out "little light key chain things" to the first few thousand people that arrived of course at least an hour before the 45 minutes early that i got there. Through out the night these few thousand people would press these "little lights" and wave them as if they were at a rock concert. Remember me saying things were very gray, well it was most entertaining to see the waving of these lights. No rhythm no unity just a little wave here a little wave there here a wave there a wave everywhere a wave. GOOD GRIEF! I thought everybody had seen the Montley Crew rock concert light wave! It was about the one and a half hour point that I, one of the few realized the the "little light" was not for waving but to help silver headed believers "press and see" the steps to the bathrooms! OMG!!! On this night FBCJ could have made enough money from pay toilets to build 137 houses in Haiti.

Now When the concert was beginning to start I wasn't surprised that the commerials began, but when they continued for the first little while I was a little disappointed especially when Bill pitched the "Gaither magazine.". Clearly these folk planned to make a large amount of money from sales of "stuff". Well, that's OK because that's what most concerts are all amount, but THERE WERE NADA, NONE, ZERO T-SHIRTS SAYING I WENT TO THE GAITHER HOMECOMING AND GOT THIS T-SHIRT.

Now the Music was wonderful!!! What a blessing! If you get the opportunity to attend a Gaither concert you SHOULD take it because you won't be disappointed.

Of course I have to present the "Gaither Homecoming" list:
1. "Little lights" were a hoot for me. The waving of the lights was kinda like a bunch of ADHD students in a room filled with colored lights.
2. Mark Lawry (sorry, don't know the spelling) is a hoot. The comedy is so predictable but it is comedy. DUDE CAN SING! I'm a new fan.
3. Michael English?? yes that Michael English still has a GOD blessed voice. I got he feeling he was seeking forgiveness from every one for his screw up. OPPS! He was my guy at one time was "MY MAN". Had some of the greatest song out there and a blessed voice. He think he should have climbed to the next to the last row and said he was sorry for letting me down, especially at the Dove Awards.
4. My girl enjoys that singing stuff. Of course it is her special gift and she is good at it but it's more than just that. I think God uses voices to speak to the soul. So God was speaking to my girl last night. I was almost sorry she had to be with me.

Closing I would say that I love that southern gospel music. That's a big hint K-LOVE!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Promoting Unity With the Vote

OK, write this down. If you are a member of some group that promotes unity among the membership try this the next time you vote. Call for those that vote NO. then answer the question that those folk have. See if they are just misunderstanding what is going on or are they just not with it. If the topic being voted on is with the propose of the organization then there shouldn't be any no vote. All voting NO?! OK, what the deal? All voting NO?! OK, what the deal? All voting NO?! OK, What's the deal? All voting NO?! and there is none, good. What a show of unity!

WOW! what a concept??? Maybe we should try this at some churches.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


You gotta love those people that think about numbers and such and come up with simple solutions. Simple? I think YES!

The Fix

There recently was an article in the St. Petersburg , Fl. Times. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on: "How Would You Fix the Economy?" I think this guy nailed it!

Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.
You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new AMERICAN Car. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.

It can't get any easier than that!!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes..

Mr. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!


Monday, May 9, 2011


Good grief! I just may have to start playing golf again. Well, no, but I just might buy me a a Ping hat. Check this out...

"On Monday, I played the Disney, Lake Buena Vista course. As usual the
starters matched me with three other players. After a few holes we
began to get to know each other a bit. One fellow was rather young and
had his wife riding along in the golf cart with him. I noticed that his
golf bag had his name on it and after closer inspection, it also said
"wounded war veterans". When I had my first chance to chat with him I
asked him about the bag. His response was simply that it was a gift. I
then asked if he was wounded and he said yes. When I asked more about
his injury, his response was "I'd rather not talk about it, sir".

Over a few holes I learned that he had spent the last 15 months in an
army rehabilitation hospital in San Antonio Texas . His wife moved there
to be with him and he was released from the hospital in September. He
was a rather quiet fellow; however, he did say that he wanted to get
good at golf. We had a nice round and as we became a bit more familiar
I asked him about the a brand new set of Ping woods and irons he was
playing. Some looked like they had never been hit. His response was
simple. He said that this round was the first full round he had played
with these clubs.

Later in the round he told me the following. As part of the discharge
process from the rehabilitation hospital, Ping comes in and provides
three days of golf instruction, followed by club fitting. Upon
discharge from the hospital, Ping gives each of the discharged veterans,
generally about 40 soldiers, a brand new set of custom fitted clubs
along with the impressive golf bags.

The fellow I met was named Ben Woods and he looked me in the eye and
said that being fitted for those clubs was one of the best things that
ever happened to him and he was determined to learn to play golf well
enough to deserve the gift Ping had given him. Ben is now out of the
service, medically discharged just a month ago. He is as fine a young
man as you would ever want to meet.

Ping has the good judgment not to advertise this program. God Bless
America and the game of golf." Feel Good story from Bob Ptak.

Yep, I'm Ping fan now and gold is ok too.

Friday, April 22, 2011

How hard is it to see a lie????

How hard is it to see a lie?

For those who need it I offer some simple guidelines to recognizing a lie when you hear it. Of course in the form of a list.
1. If it sounds to good to be true, it's probably not.
2. When someone offers information that is a put down or negative about someone or some organization, it has to be self serving in some way and is probably a falsehood.
3. When a person offers information and they personally don't have contact with the situation, organization, or person they are talking about, it's probably not all together the truth.
4. When a person speaks LOUD about something with lots of emotion and snot is shooting out their nose. They are probably in a crazed state of mind and speaking untruthfulnesses.
5. If statements come from a kid who thinks that are going to get money because some carpet bagging lawyer told they would if they said a certain things, it's a lie.
6. The possibility of a correct accurate statement being made is directly proportional to the person's character. That doesn't mean the lower the education level the closer to the truth, but think about it...
7. The best rule to follow comes as the "old coaches" rule that states, believe nothing you hear and half of what you see.
8. Finally, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck or one of its kin folk quacking to hear themselves.

Friday, April 8, 2011


I recently read an article from the University of Southern Mississippi student press that related to the revival at a local church near campus. the Invited preacher was the pastor and spiritual leader of our present President. I want to share that article and give you the chance to form your own opinion. it begins like this: "We have in our midst tonight the pastor who led the ministry that produced the first African-American President," announced Rev. Reginald Woullard, Pastor of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Eastabuchie, Miss. From my pew last Monday night, I could see Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's ex-pastor – the man who became infamous for shouting "God damn America!" from the pulpit. Woullard, who had invited Wright to preach a revival at Shady Grove, hailed him as "the Prince of Prophets." Two others – fellow USM students Robby Terrell and Tyrone Adams­ – joined me. Robby and I were the only white males in the room. Wright began by welcoming the visitors – which included members of the Nation of Islam. Then, he gave us all a warning: "This message is not addressed to everyone," he said. "This message is addressed to believers." Not everyone who comes to church is a believer, he said. Some are curious – others are critics. With that, Wright was already planting in the minds of the congregation that any objection to his preaching should be met with hostility. Wright then set up his sermon by juxtaposing Jesus with Pontius Pilate, the Roman leader to whom Jesus was brought before being crucified. These men were from "two different worlds," Wright said. "There are people in power who have opinions about you based on their privilege of skin color," he told the mostly black crowd. "I'm in the text – Pilate was European, Jesus was not European." He then launched into a hateful tirade against whites, attacking everything European. "They are ignorant and arrogant," he said. "And these graduates of Harvard and Yale are setting policies for you based on the stupidity of David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Thomas Jefferson – a pedophile, Theodore Roosevelt, and the racist Supreme Court and the Encyclopedia Britannica." But that wasn't all. "The ignorance and arrogance of white supremacy have the shapers and movers of world policy living in a different world from the world you live in altogether, and the sooner you realize that, the better off you're gonna be." What upset me most was not Wright's hate speech – it was the fact that everyone else in the church was shouting, clapping and pumping their fists in the air. Wright noticed that Tyrone, Robby and I were still and silent, and quickly informed us that we looked like the three stooges. "Curious," he sneered. He went on to make more hateful comments, attacking Israel, America and Bush. Though he did not call him by name, I'm pretty sure he made several thinly veiled attacks on Obama as well. But finally, the service ended. To my relief, we had all kept cool – until some poor, unfortunate soul asked Tyrone how he liked the service. When Tyrone responded by saying he didn't like the service at all and that Wright was a "bigot, anti-Semite, and a racist," churchgoers nearby began yelling at us angrily. We tried to explain our feelings, but to no avail; a security guard told us it was time to go. When a deacon tried to speak to us, church members attempted to dissuade him. "Let them leave," one said. "Don't entertain the devil." It was quite clear that we would not be welcomed back at Shady Grove Baptist Church. But the next night, two friends of mine – both white – did go. After arriving, USM students Eric Fry and John Negri were interrogated a total of four times throughout the service. The church and its security team wanted to know what their "real business was there." Several times, they were asked if they were reporters. At one point, Eric and Jon were pulled out of the sanctuary by security guards who took them into the lobby for questioning. At the same time, an older man – who happened to be the only other white male in attendance – was also pulled out. "We were only asked a few questions and released fairly quickly," Eric said. "But as we were leaving the lobby, we saw a cop move the older white man to the wall. It appeared that he was about to be frisked." Eric believes that what happened to him and Jon amounted to racial profiling. I agree. It was no more acceptable than would be an incident in which a white church selectively pulled out black visitors for "questioning." That would also be absurd. The entire experience was remarkable. To realize that a church so nearby would allow such a hateful man to preach division and bigotry was mind-blowing. To know that such a large congregation would be so receptive to that hate was disheartening. I may have walked into the church "curious" about the man who was once the spiritual leader of our current president, but I walked out a decided "critic." I guess his message really wasn't for me. The author is By Ashton Pittman I find myself in an occupation for more than 37 years for all the right reasons but wearing bruises from attacks for one simple reason, I am white. No one has ever looked at where I grew up, what my parents were like, where I went to school or who my friends were. Even today in a conference I was the point of attack by a parent not because of something I had done but because of the color of my skin. So let me say for eternal reasons, I'm sorry to all those people of color that have been mistreated at one time or another by a white person. I'm truly sorry that you were put in or put yourself in a situation where some one did or said "something" wrong to you. BUT! enough with the black white thing! HERE IS A WALDEN WORLD DECLARATION...THAT'S RIGHT IN LIST FORM. 1: Don't talk down to my JESUS! He WILL get you for that! 2: Getting in a circle and shouting "yea us" at the expense of others is for fools and their friends. 3: You will be known by the people you hang with. 4: Your words will destroy you.

Idol Chatter

I'm no Katie Walden in reviews of American Idol but I've got to say something! Being a non-wlling participant in the idol phenomena, in other words my wife has to watch and my daughter must blog-review, I'm stuck in it like it or not. PIA!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!! BEST LOOKING!!!!!!!! BEST VOCAL!!!!!!!! BEST!!!!!!! BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why i don't vote on this stuff. It must be a bunch on dumb folk watching on their 9" black and white set with the rabbit ears and tin foil thang on it. Now I've got to say the rest of the idol children are probably asking themselves those quiet little questions like "do you know what it feel like when you need to pee?" They can't have a clue as to what's going on. I mean really, one has the black vote, one has the hard rock vote, one has the best in tight pants vote, one has the look/act alike vote, one has the country vote, one has the plump vote, one has the curly hair/ facial hair vote, one has the kinder garden vote. I mean really, where were the voters for the best looking, best singing, best potential of making a million bucks in the next 6 months. Was there a black out in the lower forty states preventing these AI fans from getting through!? I demand a press conference and a revote!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


There are lots of things I've been cursed with. Being FAT is one of them. I know, I know you say you don't have to be fat. Don't eat! Exercise!! RIGHT!!!?? Let me say at this point that if you are one of those people that say these silly things... SHUT THEE UP!!!!! You are probably one of those folks that can eat all you can but never gain a pound. You're probably one of those people that never get depressed too so you know nothing about emotional eating. With that said on to glory! I am watching TV and there is the place that makes a 7 POUND!!! hot dog!! Now I love hot dogs. It may be that hot dogs were cheap meat when i was growing up or not, but I love hot dogs. With chili, pickle relish, onion, peppers, you name it. I even love them "raw", uncooked. And all that abrings me to this addition to the bucket list. I want that 7 pound super dog! and "I'll have it my wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" "A great party hot dog for BBQs, picnics, tailgating, hunting, novelty gifts - seriously, people love sending these things cross country as gifts! Go figure. Big Hot Dog $89.95 + s&p Great for tailgating, football parties, BBQs, family reunions, novelty gifts, and for hot dog lovers of all ages. The BIG HOT DOG measures 16" long and 4" in diameter and is made of 100% veal, beef, pork, every Tuesday in Chicago, Illinois. The BIG HOT DOG differs from normal "tiny" hotdogs, in that it is 50 times bigger, weighs 7 lbs, has 50 servings per BIG HOT DOG, and is served by slicing it into patties for cooking and eating per the consumer's desire. Its the biggest, best and tastiest hot dog Chicago foodies have enjoyed ever! Now you can buy it and have it shipped to you today!" Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A SMALL PRICE TO PAY.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Behind Closed Doors

Recently I got a note from my wife about an e-mail from a very skilled and talented man that I highly respect. The e-mail was a response to an anonymous e-mail that was sent to him complaining about his job performance. The response was the best I've ever seen because it was a striking the heart with simple truth. It has been my experience that when you criticise some one from the shadows it just proves the person is doing a good job and someone is jealous. If you must so your inadequacies in judgement and character I suggestion a family reunion. Also I pray that the person who wrote this letter be blessed with the trials that this man has gone and is going through. I just have an idea you will not see the blessings as this man has in his life. I DECLARE MARCH 29TH 2011 AS "LAVON IS DA MAN DAY"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Every time I hear about the supreme court making a ruling about freedom of speech and a church I get a stopped up feeling from down under.

Ok, I have my personal feelings aboout the "church", but this is even a stronger feeling. Summary: the church is the bride of Christ. That church is the body of Christ not the organization and for this one sided discussion the church is a club!

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the first amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount attention-getting, anti-gay protests outside military funerals. The court voted 8-1, that means one with some sense.

So let me put it this way... My God does not condone the ranting of those who claim His name with permission to be outrageous whether it is about gays or what. God has called His people to like Him in their spirit which means you don't go to a honorable soldier's funeral to protest gays or anything else. Show the love people!! SHOW THE LOVE!!!

To the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. I say "change the Baptist Church in your name to the greater club of Topeka Kansas who doesn't give a crap about others." I really think I may sponsor a trip to Topeka to picket out side this "church" carrying signs that say "NOT A REAL CHURCH! NOT A REAL CHURCH!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Decisions Decisions

I have been working in public education since August 1974, 37 years. I have been able to watch education change and see the disintegration of the family continue from a particular unique spot compared to most people of this world. Throughout my days I have had to sit next to one of my players after a severe injury, a broken neck. I have had to read the headlines of students killed by some unknown person, for what ever reasons, unknown. I've been cussed by kids, parents, friends of kids, friends of parents, staff, and by people who didn't know me from Adam's cat. I've been used by principals and "down town" folk for reasons my best guess would be selfishness. I've been blamed for things that have never been explained or proven me. I could be in the next state and be accused of some body's car being scratch. I'm been blamed for being to white or to big, for that I must confess I AM white and large.

There is nothing that I can say to change the thoughts of some people and have reached the point in my 59 years of life that... I DON'T CARE.

I want to share an article that was in our local paper related to the non-new of our school district superintendent's contract. It reads...

To paraphrase Will Rogers all I know about our public school superintendent is what I read in the papers. The school board recommends, the City Counsel deliberate, statistics are cited, facts are debated, opinions exchanged and decisions will be made.
Before final action is taken by the proper authority, could some points be considered? Are today's children being raised in an academic atmosphere where formal education is respected? Are these children prepared at home and their environment for the classroom? Do they enter their grade with the discipline, family support and desire to succeed in life through learning and hard work?
Perhaps the superintendent's job is impossible."

Perhaps so but if you think he has it tough, come stand in my shoes for a day. No wait, one day is not enough. You should come for a week. Just a regular week, not one that requires special testing or one where you get 23 new students who have arrived with various offenses ranging from having drugs at school, a knife hidden in the gym bag, or having sex on the bus. Just a regular week so you cannot say "it's just one day."

I'm continually asked when I'm going to "get out" and I'm continually asking back "why". Some body's got to do it right? I'm beginning to ask myself if anyone can do what I do and should I continue to try to do what do. Seems the job is simply impossible. Be that as it may, when I get 240 comments and birthday wishes from former student it tells me that i've done something right, if for only one changed life it was worth the cost.

In today's world everything is costing more and many people have a lifestyle where they get too much for free, so they adopt the way of life that what ever you tried to do for them it's never enough. Mays me wonder if some one will pay the price I've paid when I'm gone.

Recently God showed me a GREAT TRUTH found in the 10 chapter of Joshua. God has delivered a waring group to Joshua and his people. Joshua takes God at his word and begins to get busy killing the enemy. God even gets personal with the enemy by knocking them in the head with hail stones. Joshua sees that the battle is going to take a little longer than he thought so he has the nerve to ask God to stop the SUN and MOON. PLEASE! ask God to stop the sun! Yes he did. Joshua knew that God had delivered the enemy unto him and that the battle was won before the first life was taken. Why not ask for the sun to be stopped in the sky? WHY NOT? God is all powerful, He can do anything.

So it brings you and I to this point. What ever the problem, be it sins or trials we come down to "faithing" #1 stop the sun or #2 sins and trials, #1 stop the sun or #2 sins and trials, #1 stop the sun or #2 sins and trials????????

So even the impossible, like educating children and enabling them to become productive citizens is not beyond God power. So today i would beg you to pray to God to STOP THE SUN.